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Jackson Heights Dog Group Seeks Off-Leash Hours in Travers Park, Starts Petition

Travers Park handball court (Queenspost)

March 27, 2019, By Meghan Sackman

A Jackson Heights group of dog owners have created a petition calling on the city to allow their pooches to run off-leash during specified hours in a fenced off section of Travers Park. 

The petition, created four days ago by a community group named The Responsible Dog Owners of Jackson Heights, requests off-leash hours in the newly-remodeled Travers Park, located at 77th Street between 34th Avenue and Northern Boulevard.

The petition, which has generated 215 signatures so far, is addressed to Council Member Danny Dromm and asks for dogs to be allowed to run off-leash in the new fenced in handball court area between 9 p.m. and 10 a.m. each day.

The request was initiated after a couple of dog owners were hit with $50 fines for running their dogs off-leash in the enclosed handball court on March 12, according to Teng Leong, an administrator of the group and a Jackson Heights dog owner.

The group says that there are currently no suitable places for their pups to run.

Existing designated dog areas, such as JH Crew Dog park located under the BQE on 69th Street, are unsatisfactory, Leong said.

JH Crew Dog Park is not well lit at night, is run by a private organization that can reject dog owners, and is not central to Jackson Heights, according to Leong.

Leong said that Travers Park is well located and meets their needs.

“With the changes made to Travers Park, the handball area is fenced off, so there is a level of safety and there is even a water fountain to fill a bowl up with water for your dog,” Leong said.

In addition to the creation of the online petition, the group has also begun circulating hard copies of the petition where members are getting written signatures while out on dog walks.

A neighborhood cleanup, dubbed “Scoop the Poop”, has been organized by the group to show residents that they are responsible dog owners who would look after the dedicated off-leash space. 

The clean up involves picking up dog poop in Jackson Heights left behind by “irresponsible owners” who give all dog owners a bad name, Leong said.

The clean up initiative will begin this Saturday at 10 a.m., at the Jackson Heights Post Office on 37th Ave, and will continue every Saturday into the summer.

The group is planning to deliver the petition to Dromm on April 2.

Dog (Togo) in Travers Park (Queenspost)



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I’m all for giving dogs and their owners additional space to play, but not at Travers just yet. Seeing the complete disregard for park rules gives me little faith that “responsible” will comply to keeping the park clean.

It’s been 2 days since the grass area has been open to the public, and I’m already seeing dog owners allowing their dogs to tear it up.

I also need to chime in on my experience with poop being an issue. I live across the street from the park, and I’m sick of seeing the influx of poop ever since the park reopened. My 1 year old daughter has already stepped quite a few of it, and I’m getting tired of cleaning her shoes after walking around the neighborhood.


My wife was bitten by an “off-leash” German Shepard while pushing our son in a stroller, right here in JH. I managed to get the dog off before it punctured her heavy coat. I am a dog lover. I have had dogs all my life (since 5 yrs old). I am ok having dog’s off leash if I know the owners are responsible and have properly trained and acclimated the dogs to their environment and other variables that can inhibit their responses in open areas. I am sorry but from my experience here in JH, there are too many irresponsible dog owners, or people with good intentions but no desire, knowledge or inclination on how to train a dog. I don’t care if it’s an enclosed area. The dog that attacked us (here in JH) was in a gated back yard, but someone left the gate open. It dashed a for a good 50 yards behind us before I saw it coming.

I’m sorry but no. Dogs belong in a dog run or areas away from kids. For those commenting on “entitled obnoxious kids”, that is rude. It’s like saying ALL dog owners are irresponsible, which they are not.

If you open the park to legitimate dog owners to run their dogs off-leash, all the imbeciles who have no business owning dogs will surely follow and ruin it for everyone including dog owners, parents, kids and individuals who want to enjoy the park.


I’d rather 1500 times over have dogs play around in a park than have children run around in a park. Dog owners in my experience are respectful and responsible (for the most part) as opposed to entitled “my child is a blessing of the universe and can do no wrong” parents. Dog owners have 1 or 2 dogs running around. Parents in this neighborhoods have 6 kids per parent running around screaming and being generally obnoxious, leaving litter around, breaking things. There are children playgrounds everywhere in this neighborhood and not one dog run for people who live in the 80s/90s. They’re asking for limited hours in an enclosed area. I see no problem with this.


kids running around and screaming in a park is a problem? what are they breaking? iron monkey bars and stainless steel slides? Parks are for humans and dog runs are for dogs…. use the energy behind this petition to have a truly public dog run built closer to the community.


Yuppie hipster families decide now they want this and demand it wit their privileges and petitions. Where were you when it was being planned and designed? Not living here or too cool to participate in the meetups. Find another solution. This is a multipurpose court. People don’t want to play sports on evaporated pedigree husky pee or poo

A.L. Cast

There’s also a dog run between 25th and 30th Avenue:,-73.8901084,19.5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c25f0ab4d2456b:0xc66afccf0ae57867!8m2!3d40.7616259!4d-73.8901987

I live in the Historic part of JR and have grown up here for over 25 years plus. Growing up and also dog sitting, I’ve noticed the dog poop however the situation has improved. I have severe allergies and would much rather have dogs than weird old people by the bathroom. I haven’t visited TP for this reason of it not being friendly enough and being taken over by gangs/teenagers smoking. The group is also recommending using the handball courts as the intended space vs the playground area.


I try to understand the concept of people going against dogs running in a small enclosed area, but are all for a bunch of kids running around like animals, leaving junk and making so much more noise than dogs will make. Parents to human kids are careless. Leave junk all around travers park. And not to forget the teens who smoke weed and vandalize the park. So the people complaining about dogs are the real problem. Been living here for the past 25 years and till this day I prefer dogs over the kids that actually destroy this park.
And I’m not rooting for the owners who are careless. That’s just a small percentage of the dog owners here in Jackson Heights. There’s many more owners who take responsibility and pick up after their dogs. So let’s stop bringing up the small percentage.
FYI I live right across from the park. My apt window is facing the potential dog run. So if anyone has a first hand experience it’s my family and I. And we all agree dogs DONT BOTHER!!!
There’s more issues going on. A small dog run won’t kill.


Would be nice to have a dedicated space for off-leash dogs in Travers, but I doubt it will happen this late in the game.
For those willing to walk a few extra blocks, the 69th St dog run is a great little park. I’ve been going for years.
“JH Crew Dog Park…. is run by a private organization that can reject dog owners…. according to Leong”
JH Crew is managed by volunteers under the auspices of JHBG. Membership is free and open to all, only requiring current vaccination documentation- a significant safety feature.


I used to foster dogs and I reached out to JH Dog Crew regarding bringing my dog and my foster dogs to the park, but no one even bothered responding to me. I even explained that as a foster, I never have vaccination papers, but since these rescued dogs are from shelters, they are all up to date on their vaccinations and healthy. The JH dog crew consists of few individuals who run the park as if it is their own private park. The website also states that a $25 fee is optional, but I have spoken to others in the neighborhood who said they were told the fee is required. Jackson Heights needs a proper dog park where all dogs are welcome.


I help manage the JH CREW dog run as a volunteer.
The park is on NYS DOT owned land and when originally developed in conjunction with JHBG certain rules were set down by them in the interest of safety, including a locked entry gate and vaccination requirements.
Others may disagree, but in my experience, the people (and dogs) at the run are an inclusive group, ever eager to welcome new members.
Your frustration is understandable, but I can’t comment on why no one responded to your membership inquiry without knowing how and when you tried to reach someone. The best contact address is
The $25 donation is absolutely optional. Anyone saying otherwise is misinformed.


As someone who foster dogs in the neighborhood – I would like to state it’s definitely not recommended having foster dogs off leash for the safety of the foster dogs and other dogs at the park.

I’ve been going to JH CREW dog run and it’s a great park and dog community. Volunteers are very kind and welcoming.


My experience was otherwise since I never received a response. I also kind of disagree with your opinion regarding foster dogs running off leash at the dog park. I’m not talking about just taking any new dog to the dog park. Obviously, if you’re an experienced foster, you would know which dog is a good fit for the dog run just like a responsible dog owner would. I only reached out to the dog park when I felt that the dog I was fostering for a while was a good fit for off leash run. Also, I could’ve taken my foster and my dog during off hours when the dog run wouldn’t be busy. Either way, It doesn’t matter to me because I’m no longer interested in this dog park and feel that an open park in a better location away from the highway would be more helpful for all dogs and dog owners in JH.


Dogs on a handball court late at night is a crazy idea that won’t endear them to close by residents. Well at least the gangs will stay out, maybe. Also, don’t think there’s a run in flushing Meadows either.


BAN ALL THE DOGS FROM TRAVERS PARK. We got enough $hits on the streets. Coming back from subway to home is like walking on a mine field. Travers park needs space for kids to play and run around without rolling in feces. It’s also great for older folks with that new section with tables. Dogs will ruin it – old Travers park smelled like dog piss it was disgusting

TC on 32.

NYC Parks should be enforcing the rules , if not all the money spent on the beautiful park will be wasted .
Keep the park clean

Alice Fisher

When we moved to Jackson Heights fr. NYC over 15 years ago, I was shocked that there was absolutely no place to walk to wth our dogs. If I knew that then, we probably wouldn’t be living here now. For out dogs to be able to run free we often put them into the car and are them to Manhattan where there is no shortage of clean well kept dog parks. It’s a big problem living here for dog owners

JH resident

“If I knew that then, we probably wouldn’t be living here now.”

Something is really wrong when your prioritize a dog’s comfort over what’s best for you.


I have just resigned from this very unwelcoming group. I don’t know who you are but you have no right to judge what is best for me. We enjoyed being able to walk to a destination with our dogs, and it’s something we can’t do here. That’s all. It was not a criticism of you or of JH.


Add this in and you will be seeing dog fights in the middle of the night at the park.

JH resident

dog owners in JH are the worst! dog poop EVERYWHERE. take a walk around in the neighborhood and you will see, how disgusting our neighbor had become, the handball courts are for adults and children to play in! keep your dog poop at the dog run under the BQE. On another day my kids got chased by the unleashed dog, thank god they start giving tickets. we should start a petition about having more undercover cops writing tickets to these dog owners.

Daniel L.

1. The Multi-Purpose Play Area isn’t designed to be a dog run, since it is not completely fenced-in.
2. There was an opportunity to put in a dog run when the park was designed, but it wasn’t included.


As someone who has been a part of our inclusive neighborhood for over 30 years, it saddens me that the most vocal and receptive comments are inconsistent with the values of the community I grew up with.

Shutting out dog owners is not the solution.

I believe there were many missteps with this park especially in the design phase (ie: why do we have an absurd amount of benches) but we should all be able to come to a reasonable compromise.

Tom S

I suggest NO DOGS AT ALL in Travers Park at any time of day or night. JH dog owners DO NOT pick up after their pets. Our building super is left the task of cleaning up after these lazy a–holes every single day! And the park was renovated for use by PEOPLE.


So, no trash can, you just leave the poop on the sidewalk? Put it in a bag and take it home with you like a normal person.


On Wednesday evening A dog and his owner, btwn 81st and 82nd on 37th ave bit my nephew and took off saying he didnt give a shit about the community or other kids. My nephew needed 6 shots.


Walk down any block in JH there are dog poop everywhere! I can only imagine what the park would look like. I’m a JH resident and that’s a NO from me.


dog owners in JH are the worst! dog poop EVERYWHERE. the handball courts are for adults and children to play in! keep your dog poop at the dog run under the BQE.

Richard Vagge

The Hoity Toities
of The Historic District
want it alllllllll….
I guess it isn’t enough
that the City spent
over 10 Million on
the land purchase
and Park upgrade ?
What’s next ?
… Security Guards
at Travers ?
Stun gun racks to
sting the Rats ?
Richie V

Dove Peace Maker

At least you used your own name so people can know who you are, and how you think. Or is that don’t?


I live in the historic district and please do not assume all of us want dogs in Travers. I for one do not. Dogs in the handball court, feces all over? I don’t think so. Its a handball court not a dog run. Don’t generalize!


The historic district would be cleaner and there would be a safe place for owners to go with their furbabies. Prior to having my own dog, I always enjoyed watching other dogs play in Manhattan dog run on my lunch hour. When visiting friends in Brooklyn, the dog run was always a fun pastime in which to meet neighbors as well.


Ugh. No such thing as a responsible dog owner. Even if you atempt to pick up your dog shit, you are not actually picking it up. You all leave dog shit smears all over the hood. Kids play in this part of the park. What you are suggesting is literally disgusting. Please get our dogs out of the park.


Here’s a idea , what about having the park for the children. Not for the dogs or smokers or gang bangers or bums or those creepy men that just hang around the bathroom .
let the children have somewhere safe and clean

The Tortise

Especially not the smokers. I can’t believe people are smoking weed constantly in the park adjacent to the child areas.

Christopher Moran

I am a dog lover/owner and would have loved if others had thought of and participated in planning a dedicated Dog Run when the plans for a renewed Travers Park were being drawn up years ago…but anything other than that would be a mistake…”sharing” is a myth and a mistake: the Park as-is is not designed for dogs off-leash…I am sorry too but that is the reality. Dawn-to-Dusk should be the only hours that the Park is open for obvious safety reasons It is only a brisk 10-minute walk down to the large dog park by Our Lady of Fatima.


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