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City council passes bill that aims to clamp down on fraudulent immigration providers

April 10, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan

The City council passed a bill last week sponsored by Councilman Danny Dromm that aims to protect immigrants from fraudulent legal service providers.

The bill imposes stricter standards on immigration service providers and imposes hefty fines for those firms that fail to comply.

Under the new regulations, providers will be required to put in writing the services they will provide in English and other languages. They must state services that they are not permitted to offer.

Providers will also be prohibited from offering any services that should be administered by an attorney and from making statements that could lead a client to believe they are an attorney.

“Now more than ever it is important to protect our immigrant communities and my legislation does just that,” Dromm said in a statement.

“It clarifies prohibited conduct for service providers and strengthens posting requirements,” Dromm said.

The bill also doubles penalties for those firms that take advantage of immigrants, with fines ranging from $500 to $10,000 and creates a Consumer Bill of Rights in an effort to protect immigrants from fraud.

The new bill will also require the Department of Consumer Affairs to periodically report back to the City Council with data on the number, type, source and results of complaints, and its efforts to coordinate with other law enforcement agencies.

“Immigration services fraud has been a critical issue in our communities, but thanks to our elected leaders in New York City in the Council and City Hall, we’re taking important steps to stop it,” said Steven Choi, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition. “It’s another way New York City is standing up to the federal government’s anti-immigrant agenda and to say, this is our New York.”


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Middle class white man

Daniel is a very genuine man, not too many good people left in this world.


The hipsters need to come in and make this area nice again. You have the highest crime rate in NE Queens there. You think Roosevelt Ave is nice? What about all the sordid characters hanging out at night in Danny’s Diversity Plaza? What a dump!


Next election everyone should remember how elected officials, who are public servants, who’s salaries are paid for by taxpaying citizens and LEGAL immigrants, behaved towards their constituents. VOTE THEM OUT!!!! ILLEGALS broke the law when they entered ILLEGALLY!!!


The only class of people Dromm can’t identify with is a tax paying, law abiding, US Citizen


Good old Danny Dromm more worried about all his illegals than the working middle class. Why not clean up Jackson Heights and all the crap food being sold on the street by your illegals? What a great contribution to society.


Go drink bleach..the world would be a better place without disgusting vile judgmental pigs like you..Remember this you fucking disgrace for a human being the end we all end up in a casket with nobody but ourselves in there. So stop thinking you or your miserable little life is any more important than any other no matter who or where they come from.

John mulvich

Crap food? Oh that’s what you’re worried about Pasha? You’re as ignorant as Donald trump, instead of worrying about great tasting food how about worrying about the prostitues or the robberies by “middle class citizens”. Our neighborhood is the most diverse place in New York. Even immigrants pay taxes you moron. I love everyone in Jackson heights except people like you hipsters coming to gentrify our neighborhood


Illegal Immigrants do not pay Federal or State income tax, that is a flat out falsehood. To do so would require using a fraudulent SS# AKA committing a felony.

So yes, they do pay local sales tax but as any tax payer would know the real burden is the Fed and State income tax of which they do not partake.

So in fact they make no real contribution to the infrastructure they use, the military that defends, the Cops and Firemen who support their communities or even the politicians salaries who pander to them


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