The existing building (Google Maps)
July 30, 2018 By Tara Law
Permits have been filed for a 4-story mixed-use apartment building on Roosevelt Avenue.
The development will replace a 2-story residential structure at 104-69 Roosevelt Ave.
The planned structure will be 60-feet tall and will include eight apartments. One of the units will take up the fourth floor and extend into a penthouse.
A retail store is planned for the ground floor.
The property is located two blocks from the 103rd St. Corona Plaza (7) subway station and two blocks from the Park of the Americas.
The project is being developed by property owner Franklin Torres.
A penthouse next to the rumbling noise of the pigeon, and 7 train droppings? What a pun!
Almost like a tenement , but with a penthouse.
A penthouse next to the rumbling noise of the 7 train, and pigeon droppings? What a joke!
A penthouse on the top floor? You mean plenty of noise from the 7 train and pidgeons droppings! What a joke!!