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Three Queens residents charged for multiple burglaries, face up to 15 years in prison

May 19, 2017 By Christian Murray

Three people have been charged for multiple burglaries that took place in several Queens neighborhoods between January and May, according to the district attorney’s office.

The defendants, all Queens residents, allegedly broke into people’s homes in the neighborhoods of Jackson Heights, Corona, Woodside and Forest Hills.

Carlos Castro-Diaz, Michelle Valencia Jarmallio and Jorge Vela-Sanclement were arraigned Saturday and face a litany of burglary and grand larceny charges following six burglaries and an attempted burglary. Each faces up to 15 years in prison.

“The defendants are accused of brazenly committing a rash of residential burglaries across a wide swatch of Queens County in broad daylight,” said Queens District attorney Richard A Brown.

The first burglary allegedly took place on January 25 when Castro-Diaz broke into a home on 52nd Avenue in Corona and stole two Louis Vuitton purses valued in excess of $1,000.

On March 23, Castro-Diaz and Jaramillio allegedly burglarized a house on 41st Drive in Woodside and stole items such as a Bulova watch.

On April 5, Castro-Diaz allegedly broke into a Forest Hills house on Juno Street and stole about $21,000 worth of items that included cash and jewelry.

On April 15, Castro-Diaz and Jaramillio allegedly burglarized a residence on 87th Street in Jackson Heights and sole an assortment of jewelry, credit cards, personal document and $10,000 cash.

The duo on May 5 attempted to burglarize a home on 99th Street in Corona but were confronted by a neighbor. They were observed trying to pry open the front door.

On May 12, Castro-Diaz, Jaramillo and Vela-Sanclement allegedly burglarized two Corona residences—one on National Street and the other on 111th Street.

Following their arrest, search warrants were executed and police found some of the items inside a black 2008 BMW in which they were seated in and also stolen goods at Castro-Diaz’ Elmhurst home.

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