State Sen. Mike Gianaris joined attendees celebrating the Biden/Harris victory in Sunnyside Saturday (Photo: Paul Ker)
Nov. 9, 2020 By Jeanette Harrington
Sunnyside and Woodside residents flocked to Bliss Plaza at the 46th Street Station for a dance party Saturday to celebrate the news that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were named President and Vice President elect.
The event, organized by resident Morry Galonoy and dubbed “Democracy Wins,” was filled with attendees exhibiting joy, enthusiasm and–most of all–relief. On the approach to the station a cacophony of claps, cheers, laughter and horns echoed below the elevated train line making clear that a celebration was taking place.
Anatole Ashraf, a local resident and a Biden-Harris supporter, was relieved that the Democrats proved victorious and reached out to his peer group through social media calling on them to partake in the festivities. He called on members of the Queen County Committee–who in turn invited Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer and State Sen. Mike Gianaris–to be part of the celebration.
The event, which took place at 4:30 p.m., included several inspirational speakers, followed by the dance party kicking off to the sounds of Cool and the Gangs “Celebration.”
Danielle Brecker, the impromptu MC, spoke first to the socially distanced and masked crowd, then introduced Van Bramer who celebrated the Working Family Party ticket remaining on the ballot.
Gianaris had words of inspiration. Julia Forman, Hallie Kim, Morry Galonoy, Ty Sullivan, Martha Ayon, Emily Sharpe, Thomas Muccioli and Emilia DeCaudin also spoke to the crowd that was in a celebratory mood.
The topics ranged from how people’s grandparents had been in active in the election, inspiring a new generation to be involved. Some spoke of how former Republicans even joined forces to help elect Biden, as well as immigrants–many of whom were still unable to vote.

State Sen. Mike Gianaris joined attendees celebrating the Biden/Harris victory in Sunnyside Saturday (Photo: Paul Ker)
Firebrand Thomas Muccioli waved the flag of activism by reminding people the Democrats had lost some seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and that the U.S. Senate still had to be won.
He noted the importance of the two Georgia senate run off races that will determine whether the Democrats retake the senate. He suggested that attendees get involved in those races through phone banks, post card writing and donations.
Muccioli said a large contingent of residents will be going South and canvassing across the state to help flip the Senate. Early voting in the Georgia senate races begins Dec. 14, with the runoff set for Jan 5.
The event Saturday was put together by many residents including Michelle Lee Nix, Melissa Bair and Kristin Doherty. Martha Ayon provided the sound system.
Other groups and organizations involved included Community Board 2 members, Democratic district leaders, The Sunnyside Woodside Action Group, and Queens County Committee For All.
The event wrapped up at around 6 p.m., then moved to Doughboy Park in Woodside where the celebration went on into the night.

Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer speaking at the Biden-Harris celebration Saturday

Julia Forman, candidate for the 26th Council District race in June, speaks to the attendees (Photo: Paul Ker)