Joseph Crowley
Sept. 17, 2018 By Tara Law
Outgoing Congressman Joseph Crowley has retained the chairmanship of the Queens Democratic Party–despite losing his primary to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in June.
The Queens Democratic Party voted 60 to four to reelect Crowley during a meeting at the Georgia Diner this morning, reported the New York Post.
Crowley, who has been the party’s chair since 2006, has been long known as a Queens “kingmaker” with powerful influence on party endorsements and appointments.
Although he lost by a wide margin to Ocasio-Cortez in June, his victory this morning suggests that he has managed to hold on to sway within the party, analysts said.
Among the four dissenting voters was Hiram Monserrate, who was elected a Democratic district leader for the 35th district last week, reported the New York Post.
Monserrate and the other dissenters backed Representative Greg Meeks for the position, according to the report.
Crowley and the Queens Democratic Party could not be reached for comment.
What will jumping Jimmy Van Bramer do now? He endorsed the wrong people! Now when he wants to run for Queens Borough President, he will be out of luck with no party support. Maybe Jimmy should get a real job and use his BS in the corporate world. Cuomo surely is not going appoint him to some office job, haha.
Known as a Queens “kingmaker” ? ? .
Sounds suspect to me.
This is the perfect example why the Queens Political Machine is detested by independent, informed and progressive citizens in our district. Back room deals, placing people in the ballot unbeknownst to the individual, and touting transparency is dishonest to the 100th power! Please publish the list of individuals who voted for Crowley to ensure they don’t have the chance to do it again. #WinterIsComing Crowley
All the Queens pols were forced to vote for Crowley in a secret vote in the Georgia Diner on Queens Blvd. It is so sad that Crowley and his cronies are so desperate to cling to power, the he is trying to sneak back into Congress on the WFP line, and Sweeny, Reich, Martinez and Bolz, forced cowardly Queen politicians, who won’t admit they voted to re-elect Virginia Joe Crowley as Boss of Queens to vote for him. The whole Crowley family stinks of corruption, back-room deals, and his weird sense of entitlement? Crowley family milked the system for years, when he was not even a smart guy – he “inherited” is seat in Congress anyway, and never earned. Time to give up with your dirty deals! Ocasio-Cortez should watch the Queens Board of Elections closely on election day – Crowley will be up to his usual dirty tactics.!
Wha?! Didn’t we voters make it clear that we’re done with this dude? He doesn’t even live in NYC much less in Queens. What a sham. Have some respect for your ‘constituents’, Mr. Crowley, and step aside.
Clear? 87% of eligible voters did not vote in the June primary……
and 93% of those voters did NOT vote for Ms. Ocasio Cortes
But Joe Crowley had always been illegitimate ?? He “inherited” his seat in Congress 20 years ago , in a similar back room deal, and then the Queens Machine intimidated anyone who tried to compete against him. At least Ocasio-Cortez got elected fairly ? Plus he is an imbecile ? Did you see the debate ?
Oh CRAP! And I thought we had actually made a change for the better, here in Queens. Business as usual, I see.
This is great news for the Queens Post family of publications, more photo ops of Boss Crowley doing various activities. Here’s a prediction: you will never ever again see JVB and Boss Crowley in the same photo frame.
Queens is not Moscow Mr. Crowley! Queens Dems hold a secret meeting to re-elect Crowley as boss of Queens, when he lives in Virginia since 2004, and lies that his mother’s home in Woodside is his permanent address?
No wonder they had to have a secret vote, to avoid outrage. This is America Mr. Crowley – you got into Congress 20 years ago, through a similar backroom deal, where you “inherited” your seat in Congress , and then your Queens Machine intimidated any competition, so you basically sat in Congress , illegitimately for 20 years, and now you illegitimately get re-elected as Chairman of Queens Democratic Party, when you live in Virgina? You are more corrupt than Trump, and it is well know you use your influence to enrich family and friends, lobbyist brother , sisters, nepotism. No wonder you got trounced in the primary. It seems the only way you can get into “elected” office is backroom, Third-world style deals! Queens deserves better!