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Plans revealed for Travers Park tot lot, completion date targeted is fall 2019

Oct. 20, 2017 By Tara Law

The Parks Department has released renderings of the $2 million revamp planned for the tot lot at Travers Park.

Parks Dept. architect Thomas Brown revealed the plans at Community Board 3’s monthly meeting on Thursday night. The renderings feature the installation of new play equipment, additional seating and more green space.

Construction of the Travers Park Tot Lot, intended for children ages two to five, is likely to begin next fall and is expected to be completed by fall 2019, Brown said.

Brown said that the department has tried to maximize the amount of play space because the tot lot is often crowded. For instance, Parks has introduced new innovations such as replacing the fence surrounding the swings with an activity wall.

The renovation will also include safety improvements. For instance, Brown said that parents will have greater visibility of the play area so they can keep an eye on their children. The designs also call for the installation of safety surfacing and additional lighting.

The park will have a climbing area and swings that are accessible for children with disabilities.

To reduce problems with flooding in the northeast section of the play area, the drainage system will be reconstructed.

Brown also said that unhealthy trees would be removed and replaced, and that additional greenery would be added.

Travers Tot Schematic Plan by Queens Post on Scribd

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Ron Evitts

And what about the rest of the park? Are those renovations still on schedule?The Lawn? The courts across 78th street? Etc?


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