Mayor Bill DeBlasio on NYC Phase 2 Re-opening
June 22, 2020 Staff Report
New York City entered Phase 2 of its reopening plan today.
Restaurants, barbershops, retail stores and offices are all able to reopen, although subject to restrictions.
Up to 300,000 more people are expected to return to work starting today. This is in addition to the hundreds of thousands who were able to go back to work when Phase 1 went into effect two weeks ago.
There are still many businesses that must remain shut, such as nail salons and fitness centers.
Eateries will now be allowed to reopen for dining—although it will be limited to sidewalks, curb lanes and plazas with social distancing measures in place. Indoor dining is not yet permitted.
Restaurant owners must make sure that the tables are at least six feet apart from each other, and diners must wear face coverings until seated. Employees must wear masks at all times.
Salons and Barbershops
Salons and barbershops can reopen with 50 percent maximum occupancy. Customers and employees must wear face coverings.
Services that require mask removal – like beard trimming – are prohibited, along with personal care services like nails and massages.
In-Store Retail
Retailers are permitted to reopen but with 50 percent of maximum occupancy in store spaces. Customers and employees must wear face coverings and maintain a distance of six feet from one another.
Children will be allowed back in playgrounds, but social distancing ambassadors will be present to monitor crowding.
Offices may reopen, although only with 50 percent of the maximum number of occupants allow at a time.
Employees should avoid entering elevators with others, unless wearing masks, and common workstations must be sanitized between users. The state recommends that employers stagger staff schedules to reduce crowding.
Real estate
Real estate firms across New York City will be able to reopen much like all offices.
All individuals visiting property must wear face masks at all times.
Auto Dealerships
Auto dealerships are permitted to reopen. Staff must wear face coverings when speaking with customers. Customers and sales people must also wear face coverings when going for test drives.
What’s Not Open
Many businesses are still not permitted to reopen. They include fitness centers, nail salons, tattoo parlors, spas and cosmetology businesses. In addition, movie theaters, amusement parks, malls and sporting arenas are not permitted to reopen.