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Peralta Proposes Introducing a Residential Parking Permit System in East Elmhurst, The First to Be Implemented in NYC

Jose Peralta (Photo: Peralta’s office)

Nov. 6, 2017 By Tara Law

Finding a parking space might get a whole lot easier for residents who live near LaGuardia Airport if legislation calling for parking permits goes into effect.

State Senator Jose Peralta introduced a bill on Oct. 27 that would lead to the implementation of a one-year pilot program where residents who live within a two-mile radius of LaGuardia would be eligible to buy residential parking permits.

Most of the curbside spots in the zone would require drivers to possess a permit. The system would set aside 20 percent of the parking spaces in the area for the public, and streets zoned for commercial use would not be included in the program.

If the bill were to become law, the pilot program could go into effect as soon as 2019, and the parking permit system would be the first of its kind in New York City.

Peralta emphasizes that he intends to keep the cost of the parking permits “nominal,” and estimates that they would cost residents $35 to $50 a year. Participating residents would display stickers in their windshields.

Peralta said that bill is critical given all the construction taking place at the airport. Residents already compete for parking with travelers, commuters, and LaGuardia’s workforce.

“Finding a parking spot in New York can be an impossible task.,” Peralta said. “Residential parking permits have been implemented in many cities across the nation, and according to a poll, New Yorkers would be willing to pay a reasonable fee to find it easier and faster to find a parking space. I would, since sometimes it takes me 30 minutes or longer to locate a spot.”

The introduction of the permit system requires the passage of state law.

Past attempts to pass legislation that would make way for parking permits in the City have failed. For instance, an effort was made to introduce them in 2011 and 2012 when advocates wanted to provide permits around Yankee Stadium and the Barclays Center in Brooklyn.

Those efforts were thwarted when State Sen. Martin Golden, a Republican from the 22nd District in Brooklyn, opposed it and was able to get his fellow party members to block it in the senate. Golden was concerned that the program would increase costs for residents and make it difficult for other people to find parking.

However, many New Yorkers would welcome such a program, according to Peralta.

Advocates for the program say that it would not only cut down on the amount of time it would take for residents to find parking but it would also reduce traffic congestion and pollution.

Peralta said that he hopes to find a sponsor in the State Assembly within the next few weeks. If all goes to plan, the bill would go up for a vote in the next legislative session beginning in January.

The results of the pilot program would be studied at the end of the 12-month period and its impact assessed. If the program is deemed successful, it could be made permanent, and even spread to other neighborhoods, Peralta said.



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This is an excellent idea – we should have this citywide. NYC real estate is extremely expensive and in-demand, why should it be given away for free for people to store their personal property? Not to mention 40% of traffic is people looking for parking. If we can cut down on that, everyone wins.


Go to Jersey City or Hoboken. They got it right – one side of the street is resident parking only and another side is 2 hour parking only (of course on working days). It works great. Right now we get a lot of Long Islanders driving to JH, parking all over the place and taking subway to Manhattan. If they aint paying city taxes they aint getting our parking spots. How difficult is that???

Anthony Gigantiello

Great Idea this should be done in every neighborhood especially in Jackson Heights and Astoria everyone comes to Astoria to park . Then get on subway and go to Manhattan. These people should be putting their cars in parking lots not taking our limited street spots.


I totally want this program to be implemented in my area( northern blvd and 93rd street to surroundings blocks)
Finding parking has become a nightmare. People coming to play in the park, police, teachers, party, school buses all are taking the parking spots. City is becoming crowded so are the number of cars per household are in increased.
I don’t enroll my kids to after school programs as yellow bus service not offered after school hours. Can’t take the car out as finding parking after 5 pm is insane

Dom fabbagotzi

I think if you own the house you should be able to lease the spot in front of your property for $25 a week It’s well worth it. If you have a house that’s 2units or more, I guarantee a tennant will gladly pay double that for the right to park out front hasselfree

Rebecca A. Lee, MD

I see a problem here if someone has a social event. Your family and friends will not be able to park up to two miles away from your house. I think if this is implemented then we need to have visitor passes also and with a $35 fee for ourselves, thus program will be very expensive unless visitor passes are free.


You could Have a party at a local establishment Or
Maybe they can come up with a plan like let’s say on a sat/Sunday anyone can park anywhere for a selected 5hrs, then you have to move or be ticketed. There does have to be a stipulation.


There should be a crack down on illegal curb cuts. Many homeowners construct a curb cut parking without proper permits, thus eliminating parking spaces


This shouldn’t be limited to the LaGuardia Airport area. It would be welcome in all parts of East Elmhurst.

Edwin Finizia

Peralta has no trouble finding parking. He has police barricades in front of his office and he doesn’t live invite area. Thanks for finding more,ways to charge your constituents for stuff you don’t pays for. He’s just another useless, lying politician.

Anthony Gigantiello

This is a great idea the rest of the city that has this problem of being near transportation to Manhattan like Astoria should also implement this


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