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Pedestrian Struck by Car on Queens Boulevard in Elmhurst: FDNY

Queens Boulevard and 51st Avenue (Google Maps)

Oct. 10, 2019 By Allie Griffin

A pedestrian was struck by a car this morning in Elmhurst, according to the FDNY.

Just before 8 a.m., a car hit the pedestrian at the busy intersection of Queens Boulevard and 51st Avenue. EMS transported the victim to Elmhurst Hospital in an unknown condition, fire officials said.

Details of how the collision occurred are not yet available as the NYPD investigates the incident.

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Sara Ross

The bike lanes up and down Queens Blvd. are a menace to the thousands of people who drive cars, buses, cabs and trucks and who support NYS with registration, inspection, license and insurance fees (people on bikes and other wheeled vehicles don’t pay a dime to NYS)! Not to mention they are a hazard to first responders since there is only 1 lane of traffic (about 1-1/2 lane for the every few hours bicyclists) and no way for the 1 lane of traffic to move for these first responders! It’s simple – drivers – don’t go through red lights. The light changes 24 hours a day. Walker/people on wheeled vehicles – follow the rules – don’t cross against the light (especially looking down at your phone), don’t cross in the middle of the street (I’ve seen people climb over the fence that’s in the middle of the blvd.). We have to be responsible for ourselves and stop blaming everybody else!


No they are not a menace and I like how people attempt to vilify those that want to bike, be healthy and find an alternative to driving and clogging up the roads.

Emergency vehicles can go on the bike lanes if they need, I see it all the time. What I also see ALL the time are cars double parked on Queens Blvd, making it very hard for buses and ambulances to get thru.

It’s simple, car drivers DO go thru red lights, especially uber drivers. I was nearly hit by a non-uber driver speeding thru a red light at 60th St. & Queens Blvd, just so he can stop at the next red light.

I see impatient, road rage folks ALL THE TIME. I feel bad for all the elderly people who try to cross busy roads when you have cars that rev their engines and can’t wait to put the petal to the metal. Car drivers have to be responsible for themselves and STOP blaming slow walking pedestrians and bicyclists!!!


Get a story like this and watch all the bike lane haters emerge and bash bikers. Yea, makes plenty sense, but don’t bash the out of control car drivers who speed thru red lights, don’t stop at the crosswalk line and road rage is at an all time high. But keep bashing the bikers for pedestrians getting hit by cars, makes PLENTY of sense….


Get a car and stop making the city waste money on socialist bikers greedy needs like useless bike lanes, they only good use for those lanes are double parking HAHA 😉

Queens Cyclist Commuter

Wow! what a great idea! Why didn’t I think of that?

Let me just pull out these tens of thousands of dollars I have at hand to spend on a 4,000 pound piece of metal and spend hundreds of dollars a year on gas and thousands of dollars a year on insurance/registration/inspection for 10+ years of my life!

Why should I spend a couple hundred bucks on a bike in a city with a decent bike network when I can spend 100 times as much on a car!

Peter Beadle

This is an absurd she and ignorant statement. Pedestrian injuries are down nearly 55% since the redesign, which is about a lot more than just bike lanes, went in. This is tragic, but the fact it is now an outlier, rather than a common event actually proves the redesign worked.

Peter Beadle

*absurd and ignorant.

Also the person was hit by a CAR. How does this become a rant against people on bikes?

Ali abdalkwy.

Our street Come to be very tiny For cars. we get the bikes lion and the Bus lion I think we should make the bus lion as .. H o v .. For. Any car. Have more than. 3 people in the Same bus. Lion That might be help with the traffic


Because people on bikes do not follow the laws. They run red lights, they go against the dont walk signs, they ride on the sidewalk, and many do not even use the lanes and ride against traffic. Motorcycles need insurance, so should bicyclists. Why are they so special?

Ever seen a cyclist run a red light and get hit by a car?

I hope not, or your rant would be pointless!

Thanks for comparing something to the bad drivers I mentioned

Usually you’re supposed to argue _against_ people but ok ?


And this is why bike lanes should not be on Queens Blvd or any major roadway because it is not safe. The roadway is barely safe enough for pedestrians. Bikers should have to pass a written and road test, have insurance and pay for a bike license. The money spent on the bike paths should have been spent on a dedicated bus lane and improved subway service and elevators and escalators. None of these bikers are riding to work in the winter or summer and they are not carting groceries home, it is a leisure lane for bikers who can go ride in a park or uncongested back roads. Sure hope this pedestrian is alright and recovers!


Ive been saying that FOREVER. Thanks for making me feel as if I was the only person with an actual brain. Its good to other there are a few more intelligent people out there.


I’ve noticed one the frequent posters to various Queens Post comment streams has gotten himself a new posting genre, he backs up his first post with 2nd post under a different posting handle, supporting and praising the first post. Popular conservatism as outlined in the Roger Ailes Book, The Loudest Voice in the Room.


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