(Photo: iStock)
Nov. 9, 2017 By Tara Law
A 44-year-old man fell to his death from a fourth floor apartment in Jackson Heights in the early hours Thursday after he tried to flee through a window after he was caught molesting a young child, police said.
The man was at a birthday party at 35-15 95th Street late Wednesday when he was seen touching one of the children in attendance, police said.
Residents called the police at 12:10 a.m. Thursday and reportedly tried to lock the man in a room to prevent his escape.
When the police arrived, they found him lying unconscious and unresponsive on the ground outside the building.
The police believe that the man either jumped or fell through the window while trying to exit.
EMS were called and the man was taken to Elmhurst Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
The police have yet to release the man’s name.

35-15 95th Street (Google)
These people. People used to call your ancestors similar nasty names.
Come on. I see these people playing soccer in the park at 1am with the 6 yr old kid on school nights Your suprised that they have a party during the week?
What if he was pushed out? Doesn’t make sense after a beat down to be left alone? Just seeing it from the two sides point of view.
A kids birthday party into the midnight hours on a Wednesday, a school night?
I bet the molestation story was made up. A kids birthday party on a Wednesday, a school night? Someone tossed this guy. They were all probably drunk. Doesn’t sound like a healthy environment for children. Are these people illegals?
Your racism is disgusting.
I do agree he had it coming. Have two kids myself and I think would’ve tossed him out the window myself.
On another note, the first thing that came to mind..A kids birthday party during the week??
Veteran’s day observation is Friday and many schools had professional day for teachers on Thursday.
NYC public schools had professional development on Election Day and did not get the day off for Veteran’s Day. Thursday and Friday were regular school days.
Hehehe “fell” see ya later scumbag
I get the notifications on citizen app about this incident but didn’t know what really happen, he got what he deserve.
no sympathy from me. IF it was “a misunderstanding” or “not what it looked like”, he would have waited for police and explained himself. This kind of consequence should happen more often.
God forgive me but he deserve it … monster
Agreed, I’d feel the same way if Republican state legislator Roy Moore fell out of a window after allegedly molesting a 14-year-old.
Lies. All of you gullible lefturd sheep
Funny how republicans pretend to be concerned about trans women being in the bathroom with their daughters, but when there’s an actual pedophile running for office they will defend him and vote for him.