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New York Joins Six State Effort to Reopen Economies

Gov. Andrew Cuomo at a press briefing in Albany today

April 13, 2020 By Allie Griffin

Six states — New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Rhode Island — will launch a cooperative effort to reopen their economies, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced today.

Each state will name a public health official, an economic development official and a chief of staff member that will form a working group to develop a reopening plan, Cuomo said.

He said they will “start work immediately” to develop strategies to ease restrictions that have halted normal life for residents.

“The state boundaries mean very little to this virus,” Cuomo said.

The six-state panel will evaluate public health research, economic reactivation issues, hard data and the experience of other countries to create a set of guidelines.

Each state may not have the same exact reopening plan and dates as they each have their own individual circumstances, but Cuomo said he hopes the plans are as coordinated as possible.

“I don’t believe we wind up with a fully common strategy,” Cuomo said. “You have different states in different positions.”

Many of the six states — including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut — formed a coalition in announcing business shutdowns last month.

“We started this journey together, we’re going to end this journey together,” Cuomo said.

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If you need to translate that you must wash your hands, stay home if you are sick and keep your surroundings clean and santized then there is something wrong with the person. Not the language. People need to use common sense.


It sad that it has to be this way but we are saddled with an ego maniac demagogue moron as a President who is more interested in being adored than leading and saving lives.

We have not been more divided since the Civil War.

The lure of the demagogue has always been strong since one of the first Alcibiades in classical Greece to one of the last Chavez in Venz.

In the end they always ruin their countries,.

America ??

The businesses need to have new guidelines, rules before they open . The same goes with the schools, playgrounds, & all the other public places. And the people , customers need to follow these guidelines to keep everyone safe .

The Truth.

There will be a spike in deaths, they should teach the people how to behave in public first , Not to overcrowd the supermarkets & other businesses. Everyone will think all is back to normal when it’s clearly not .
Educate the people first or this will go on for a very long time.


They should definitely have translators for the Hispanic population. As a Hispanic person I can tell you first hand how some can be and then wonder why there are so many deaths.


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