Old light (being replaced)
May 28, 2015 By Michael Florio
As a mean to increase public safety, new lampposts and LED lights are being installed along Roosevelt Avenue from 90th Street to 111th Street.
The new lighting will replace the current fixtures, thereby increasing visibility underneath the elevated No. 7 train, according to Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras and the Department of Transportation.
Contractors began installing the lights last week and the DOT expects the work to be done by the fall.
The $500,000 project will illuminate an area that encompasses a senior center and four public schools, including P.S. 19 and P.S. 307, which are located directly on Roosevelt Avenue.
“Having lived on Roosevelt Avenue, I was eyewitness to the challenges it has with regard to safety,” Ferreras said. “Roosevelt Avenue is a vibrant representation of this community, and today we are giving it the treatment and attention it deserves.”
The old light fixtures gave off an orange glow, while the new ones will allow residents to see more clearly at night, Ferreras said.
Roosevelt Avenue is also set to receive $350,000 in light upgrades from 82nd Street to 90th Street. Residents voted for the project as part of Participatory Budgeting process, where residents got to vote on how $1 million should be spent.
“The improved lighting enhances visibility for all, boosts the look of the streetscape and saves on energy costs,” said DOT Queens Borough Commissioner Nicole Garcia.

Councilwoman Ferreras
and new lights
This is definitely needed along with many beat cops at night and during the day.
Lights do not combat crime. The morality of the People combat’s crime.