Nancy Pelosi (Wikimedia Commons)
June 19, 2019 By Shane O’Brien
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will visit Elmhurst for a community discussion on immigration as part of her ‘Speaker in the House’ series.
Hosted by Congresswoman Grace Meng, Pelosi will speak at Elmhurst Hospital Center on Monday June 24, from 10.40 a.m. to noon.
The ‘Speaker in the House’ series aims to engage communities across the country in political discussion and ensure that the voices of the American people are being heard by Congress.
Pelosi and Meng will be joined by immigration activists and immigration advocacy organizations to discuss policies and legislation aimed at improving the immigration system.
They are also expected to discuss the importance of the census.
Included in the program will be a discussion with audience members followed by a question and answer segment.
The event follows the recent House passage of the American Dream and Promise Act, which aims to protect millions of Dreamers from deportation and provide them with an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status. The bill, however, is not expected to pass in the Senate in its current form.
TIME: Monday, June 24, 2019 from 10:40 a.m. to 12 p.m. .
LOCATION: Elmhurst Hospital Center, Auditorium A1-22 (ground floor), 79-01 Broadway, Elmhurst
The comments on this post are ridiculous. “americans do not matter to tge dems”? It’s disturbing that the Speaker of the House would bother taking the time to be in dialogue about these issues in our community and in return the trolls emerge to make unfounded claims. The demonization of immigrants has already gone too far; the accusations that all Democrats want “open borders” is absurd– anyone who looks at deportation numbers under Obama, or Pelosi’s moderate policies, should understand that. And as far as her not addressing “the issues hard working, law abiding, tax-paying Americans face,” this too is hot air; without her, millions of people would not have received health benefits under the ACA. https://www.kff.org/uninsured/fact-sheet/key-facts-about-the-uninsured-population/ She’s been trying to get the GOP to come together on an infrastructure bill that will help *all* of us tax-paying Americans, but the current admin can’t seem to get it together– the big man is more concerned about his Wall than the roads, bridges, and tunnels us hard-working taxpayers rely on every day…wonder why? I was a constituent of Pelosi’s when I lived in California, and she frequently spoke about the concerns of middle-class Americans, as she has continued to do as Speaker. If you want to spout on about Pelosi as “unAmerican” (yawn), at least provide some actual support for the claim.
Who will she be speaking to? Everyone will be at work during that time. Scarecrow of a politician wants to talk immigration while hard working citizens are at work making the buck and to pay the taxes into a system that spits back on them.
I’ll be there I work nights to pay the damn bills . It’s not easy but somebody has to do it.
Madame Speaker, please don’t get sucked into questions about our primary vote for Queens DA on Tuesday like AOC, Warren & Sanders did. You’re too smart for that. We don’t need Washington making this into a symbolic win/lose for intra-party fight between Democrats.
Nancy will have no idea what the true nature of Elmhurst is now, full of gangs and weed smokers plague the area but what she will do is praise the neighborhood for its diversity and immigrant population(which isn’t that much of a big deal to be honest) as political leverage without even stepping a foot outside the hospital.
As someone who actually lives in the neighborhood I can tell you that is far from the truth. If you actually live in the neighborhood as well I suggest you stop watching local news and leave the house for once to see everything is perfectly safe, even at 3am.
Are you joking? Do you even see what goes on at night? Bunch of teens screaming gang names and racial slurs which I personally have seen threaten other kids , and walk around Roosevelt Avenue 74 is a bunch of shady prostitutes and drug dealers, you obviously don’t go outside
Of course she is going to ask illegals what they think about being abe to vote, they r illegal and illegals do not have the rights that americans r supposed to have, wich because of her, we do not have any rights because americans do not matter to tge dems.
Do you think immigrants should have a better mastery of English than you?
Most immigrants can speak better English than you.
What immigrants have to do with “illegals?” Most immigrants are living here legally. But but it must not matter to you as seemingly MSNBC feeds you their side of the “truth.”
> What [do] immigrants have to do with “illegals?”
Well, illegal immigrants are immigrants. I’ll give you some time to let that sink in.
Trump tweets about CNN, not MSNBC; you’re supposed to parrot THAT instead!
You are broadening the category of illegal immigrants to include all immigrants at the expense of legal immigrants. If you take legal immigrants out of your argument, the impact of your argument would be much smaller. Bringing up CNN as if somehow it’s relevant here is the same old nasty tactic that does nothing to change the facts.
>Bringing up CNN as if somehow it’s relevant here
You…do remember when you brought up MSNBC? 1 comment ago? Lmao!
Do you think immigrants should be able to speak basic English better than Carolyn before they can be citizens?
I find it interesting that the names of the immigration activist groups and immigration advocacy organizations are not named in the article. Why?
Precisely the day that people can’t miss work, at precisely the hours they can’t miss work. Fantastic planning. This is nominal BS just to say she did something and talked to the ‘community’.
Please let us know when she has made time to address the issues hard working, law abiding, tax-paying Americans face. But hey, she’ll get her votes any way she can.
Since Trump never had to work hard, he broke tax and labor laws over and over again, and he brags about never paying taxes, he knows what the issues hard working, law abiding, tax-paying Americans face.
She’s a disgrace to our country!
Nope. She is the Most effective Speaker of the House in decades.
She should do it when the working people can attend.
the whole discussion should be reduced to a simple basic question: Madam Speaker, are you for or against illegal immigration. And no long answers, like her democratic colleagues love to say “it’s a yes or no question!”
Oh man I’m so sorry to hear. My heart goes out to all those affected.
Is Elmhurst Hospital going to make her wait 4-5 hours just like the people in the emergency room?
4-5 ? How about 6-8 hours ?
No she will be immediately
Can anyone attend? And if so, is there any registration?
I just called her DC office (Thur, 2:30pm) and they basically said they couldn’t comment on her location/schedule (maybe due 2 security?). I guess I’ll contact hospital 2 c if I can get more info.
Update: Hospital also wouldn’t comment on event and advised me 2 contact Pelosi or Rep. Meng’s office. Meng’s office in Forest Hills very helpful, saying tks are needed, but limited 1st to reps from immigrant-related orgs since that is topic. She took name/# and said she’d get back 2 me either way if extra tks available but didn’t sound optimistic about my getting a tik.