Police Arrive at Shooting Scene (Citizen)
April 8, 2019 By Meghan Sackman
A man was shot in the chest in Jackson Heights today and the alleged perpetrator is in custoday.
The shooting took place at around noon by his home located in the vicinity of 88th Street and 37th Avenue, according to police.
The victim was in critical condition and was rushed to Elmhurst Hospital where he was declared dead upon arrival.
The police have a suspect in custody who they arrested at the scene of the crime.
NYPD says the investigation is still preliminary and remains ongoing.
Queens | Jackson Heights | 37-14 88th St.
Man shot in the chest. Level 1 mobilization issued.— New York City 911 (@NYC_Alerts911) April 8, 2019
It’s going to take a joint effort to fix it so belittling each other wont help.The divide and concur tactics has blinded us all this country was make great by many creeds and colors period the Indians was first everybody else came second let’s get over it please together we are the strongest every race together
Instead of everybody going back and forth at each other let’s find a way to fix the problem not belittling each other there lies the problem at hand we no the facts Indians was here first everybody else was brought here but we all help to build this country no we must all come together to fix it period
The man killed goes by the street name, “Toro.” It means bull in spanish. He is a career criminal. In and out of prison since he was a teenager. He is well known in the neighborhood for being a robber. All though I don’t know the reason for him being shot, I do know that the community can sleep easier now. Not only with him gone but with with the shooter in custody as well.
It had nothing to do with gang Realted or drugs ! He got shot still would have been here if they weren’t worry about the shooter ?
Forget all the insults. Someone got shot in are neighborhood and we have no answers regarding why and who. That is a bad thing. Illegal, legal, profession, education, non-native, native and sex or skin coloring not important. What is important that we live in a neighborhood where we can walk down safely. There have been many murders In JHs no more insults pk were Ave.
Actually no, the police have the shooter in custody and , yes, he is a puerto rican named Baez. So yeah, even before the suspect was revealed I was correct in my comment. serial killers aside, the every day shootings, beatings, armed robberies, rapes and gang activity is IN FACT… Overwhelmingly puerto ricans, american and carribean blacks and white southerners
This constant blaming of crime on immigrants has to stop.
The most dangerous, crime ridden areas in the country are completely made up of black americans, puerto ricans, or southern white trash so let’s just say it how it is.
Stop the racism!
Hey Chen don’t forget Chinatown
Can’t forget about the triads and chinese mob
Where is AOC Van bramer Droom gloom on this horrible incident? what about the rest of our socialists politicians?? you wont hear one peep from those self serving twits . They are to busy trying to destroy what’s left of this city. Get off your smart phones and grinder apps as that other guy was quoted on the other page . Your neighborhood needs you!!
To all the bs about immigrants let’s me remind you about ted buddy, Charles Manson, Adam Lanza, nikolas Cruz, Stephen paddock, devin patrick Kelley.If the bs had a problem with immigrants then say that to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s face then you mothers..ckers know what will happen. Go tell MLB no immigrants or outsiders on all 30 teams. I am not immigrants activist but the comments here about immigrants just bs.
Dear Beanball:
Your labeling yourself as “not immigrants activist” does not ring true. You are deliberately not distinguishing any difference between immigrants and illegal aliens. This is a deceitful tactic of all open boarder advocates. So Beanball, if the “…activist” shoe fits… maybe you should just wear it.
What’s up with all of the racists on here? It says something even worse about our country when, in a place as diverse as this, racists are living among us. We need to get rid of this trash and let them live somewhere else all by themselves.
No the trash needs to go back where they came from.
We think you people need to live somewhere else!
“You people” who?
I’m pretty sure your family didn’t originate on this continent.
No of course not.
But came in legally and worked. What’s your point?
Who will Police the Police when they go rogue? A well armed Republic comprising of people who care about their family and neighbors will be the best deterrent to rouge police and government.
the violent right-wing again
I feel like we’re back in the late 70’s, early 80’s when we awoke to find crack pipes littering our front steps. For awhile there it looked like we had some valid leadership in JH. Then I made the mistake of voting for DiBlasio and everything has gone to hell. Result: insufficient and incompetent police, basic laws NOT enforced, patrol cars that take 6 hours to show up when called, if they even bother to do so.
If we don’t get some true, tough but fair leadership in this city, we are doomed. But no, we’re too concerned with politically correct BS. I am a naturalized American citizen, therefore also an immigrant, but we really need to stop the usual rhetoric and start acting like concerned JH residents and start seriously but peacefully protesting for change. We pay high property taxes and deserve to live in a safe and peaceful neighborhood.
rants about DeBlasio, “dem illegals”…but not bikes lanes?!
There will not be much of a choice in the upcoming mayoral election. For Queens D.A. the best candidate is Greg Lasak.
I’m with you all the way.
LOL you voted for Deblasio
any comment from AOC? The Mayor?
Great point, the mayor and congress should comment on every crime that happens in NYC
Maybe they should at least feign interest. Acknowledge the incident. it is obvious you dont give two shits about your fellow New Yorkers. Loser
Newspapers reporting shooting was gang related. Bet it was that Scandinavian gang again “the fjords”
What color are you?
It was over money 200$
Get the illegals and gang members out. It is sad too see what Jackson Heights has become.
When’s Mexico payin for that wall? ?
I’m with you Kari
Hope we get a follow-up to the story. No one ever followed up on the man who was hit by the bus last winter on 74th & Roosevelt.
Where’s Daniel Dromm. ?
It’s obvious that the quality of the people residing in Jackson Heights has dropped into the gutter. And these crimes are indicative of that change.
Grew up in Jackson Heights and I’m blown off how much the neighborhood has changed for the WORST. Clean Jackson Heights and get those illegals out.
It was the cops
Was it gang related???
It was actually a cop stay tune
This area is always on the news for the bad reasons. Gangs. rape, pervs, homicide. Is it because there are a lot of illegals in the area? If yes, then Trump was right.
any comment from AOC? The Mayor?
* Mexico isn’t paying for the wall
* After the Trump Shutdown and begging Democrats for money, he still failed
* Deportations are down under Trump
Didn’t he promise you he’d keep out brown people? Were you gullible enough to believe him?
Dear “Why has Trump completely failed….”
I don’t believe that Trump mentioned anything about keeping “brown people” out. Your choice of words mockingly shows just where you are coming from. You are either projecting, or you’re deliberately trying to mislead. Either way it’s kinda racist to use people of color like that. What President Trump said is that this ILLEGAL alien invasion must stop. This also applies to Russian, Irish, Chinese etc.. illegals. They are all criminals, not just your “brown” ones.
As for your “failed to deliver” contention, you may be premature. Donald Trump still has 6 years left to “Make America Great Again”.
‘The victim was in critical condition and was rushed to Elmhurst Hospital where he was declared dead upon arrival.”
You mean he was declared dead after waiting for 2 hours to get treatment
Yet, somehow, the police think it’s not necessary to inform me of such information, so i can be aware of what’s happening down my street. ‘Guess if they don’t care about my safety, neither should i…
DiBlasio’s NYC! Crime is down. Let’s paint over the gang graffiti and everything will be fine. Isn’t this AOC’s district?
Agreed, a single crime proves that crime is up in a city of 8 million
Again you demonstrate lack of empathy and compassion, As long as the cute air head bartender tweets and make dumb comments people can be slaughtered in the streets without reprisal!
It certainly was beautiful day for a shooting. Not a cloud in the sky. Great way to start the Easter season. Hopefully such outdoor activities will continue throughout the hot summer months.
Which ones????
It was probly the immagrants
Why don’t you try spell check before writing the racist nonsense?
Glad you’re not my mom. Anyway you spell it they need to go
That’s some racist bs everyone in this country is an immigrant
You’re an idiot. To make a statement like that is prejudice as hell and you are a major part of what is wrong with this country today. I would be more than willing to bet that you are not a native American and thus you are an immigrant. So do yourself a favor and shut your mouth.
you better get some historic lesson this country was built on immigrant that work there ass building this country let give native American what is due they was the first on the country ok but immigrant from Italy German irish Spanish that came to this country lend a hand to what is now get some lesson and shut your mouth
like the way you sneaked “Spanish” in there; LOL
Who PROBABLY spell better than you do.
Your grandmother was probably an
But she was legal! Don’t you get it? It’s only illegals that are the problem, because they do illegal things , which most of us don’t. Their first act in this country was illegal. They bring that outlaw mentality here and it’s downhill from there. Often. I’m sure even some illegals are good and it bothers them that they are illegal. Maybe they plan to correct their status. But the bad ones are the “bad hombres” that even AOC wouldn’t want next door,
Better to be illegal than illiterate. Learn to spell you racist judgemental piece of trash, it was probably you.
Yeah especially when
you get everything free.
Looks like the truth hurts.
Let me guess you’re an American Indian
It was probably the whites gentrifying more than they already have.
I beg to differ. I am white but I welcome everyone to my neighborhood, that is reverse discrimination
Your spelling seems quite indicative of your level of ignorance. Well done.
JH resident…. So you cannot spell probably and immigrants …what does that make you ????
** It was probably the immigrants.**
-An immigrant
Learn how to spell. Your ignorance is so painful. Immigrants are the backbone of this company
They take yer jobs!
Aren’t we all immigrants?? Unless you are a Native American.
Talk about a reckless comment. You have no idea who did that.
Do me a favor friend please, Go to the bathroom, look at you in the mirror and give yourself a couple of strong slaps. A 12-year-old boy has seen millions of TV deaths throughout his life. Probably the criminal behavior is a problem of families and not of races.