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Local Leaders Protest Amazon’s ‘Cruel’ Work Conditions Outside New Woodside Facility, Cite Report

Jessica Ramos and Labor Leaders outside Amazon’s Woodside facility Monday (twitter)

Dec. 18, 2019 By Kristen Torres

A Queens lawmaker held a rally Monday outside the new Amazon distribution center in Woodside, arguing that the e-commerce giant has a history of subjecting its employees to poor work conditions.

State Senator Jessica Ramos joined local labor groups on Dec. 16 outside the new facility, which opened in July, and is located at 1 Bulova Ave. They don’t want the Woodside facility to be in operation until the company improves its labor standards.

“It’s truly a shame that one of the world’s wealthiest corporations subjects its hardest working laborers to such cruel workplace conditions,” Ramos said in a statement.

The protest took place the same day as the release of a new report that revealed that worker injuries at Amazon warehouses have historically spiked during the holiday season, between Black Friday and Christmas.

The report, dubbed “Packaging Pain,” was based off Amazon’s own injury logs and produced by the Athena Coalition — an organization made up of labor rights groups across the country.

“It’s time for Amazon to respect the workers that make it one of the world’s biggest retailers and staples of holiday shopping and take meaningful action to eliminate hazards from its warehouses,” said Deborah Axt, co-executive director of Make the Road New York, which is part of the coalition, in a statement.

The report found the week of Dec. 10 to 16 to historically be the most dangerous week of the year for workers in Amazon’s distribution centers.

“There is a huge increase in injuries at Amazon facilities during ‘peak’ season in November and December,” according to a statement released by Make the Road New York. “Standard shifts increase from 10 hours per day to 11 or 12 hours per day and time off is severely restricted.”

The report called on Amazon officials to implement safer practices to reduce the risk of worker injury, provide adequate medical care to injured employees and increase break times for workers.

A website was also launched alongside the report, providing detailed information on injury statistics at individual Amazon facilities.

“As many of us enjoy the holiday season, we must keep in mind the thousands of Amazon workers who are enduring life-altering injuries while trying to keep up with the holiday rush,” Ramos said. “We need to provide relief from the brutal demands of their jobs immediately.”


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Maluana Karenga

I guess waking up at 6am taking orders lifting boxes doing your duties must be gut wrenching . Oh boy I got a paper cut I want 9 months off full pay and built in overtime. Geez!!! I got saw dust up my nose I want SSI disability and demand a comp case opened!! Hard work is sickening. Freeloading is stylish

Imagine being this misinformed

Paper cuts? You have no idea what you’re talking about at all.

Why are Trump lovers always so wrong?

Concerned Citizen

I think some fact checking regarding hard facts which are being distorted by Union organizers and socialist politicians. They are taking away opportunities for the middle class people willing to work.

Concerned Citizen

Our local leaders need to support blue collar jobs for Queens and check their facts about Amazon’s record. Union organizers and our socialist politicians are working against their constituents who follow them like Lemmings.


The best way to deal with this situation would to require that State or City inspectors are to be on site.


The best way is to vote with your feet. Don’t like it — find another job.

What will inspectors do all day and who will be paying their salaries?

fake crisis

I need to whitewash the fact that I helped kill 25k jobs for the residents of Queens…so I will keep making outrageous and outlandish claims to demonize Amazon and make me look justified for my ridiculous behavior….I heard the supervisors there put out cigarettes on the employees arms at break time…but that is after they put anti-freeze in the water cooler


and its time workers should work and not be on the phone I have experience horrible customers service at the supermarkets at a CVS store Riteaid. even the mangers are on the phone they dont’ deserve union they are there to work it not hard when you just swipe a grocery item then bag it and then get on your phone.


People are not machines. The richest man on Earth running a company that pays no taxes, can afford to do MUCH better than this.

Never Socialism

Let us not fall for this hoax. The report was created by the Athena Coalition, an organization funded by billionaire speculator George Soros, he also funds Make the Road New York. Both organizations control far left politicians in Queens who promote a socialist agenda, Let’s keep Soros out of neighborhoods.

Queens forever

Oh for goodness sake – brutal conditions and life altering injuries. Warehouse work and other blue collar jobs used to be much more dangerous. Your exaggeration makes me not believe you and undermines the issue which is to improve working conditions

Never gonna happen

Liberals never address the drunk people littering Roosevelt Av, the gangs, the teens threatening others and making a mess in stores, etc. They’re to busy going after the wrong problems ( this is coming from a Hispanic don’t assume I’m a trumper bc I despise him too)

Stew Gotts.

Jessica Ramos needs to rally for safer streets , funding for schools , better service on the 7 line.

?? God bless America ??

It’s called Hard work .
it builds character, it helps you appreciate the value of a dollar .

JH Resident

What happened to all the years people have work in warehouses and factories before now that have been subjected to much worse working conditions where were all of the politicians back then what’s the difference now they are lucky they have jobs!!!!


And then people complain about unemployment , it’s a no win situation with these guys. There’s no pleasing them .


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