Oct. 12, 2017 By Tara Law
A Jackson Heights beauty salon was shut down at the end of last month for prostitution.
Oshi’s Spa Zone, located at 37-40 75th Street, was closed by court order for prostitution and providing unlicensed massages.
A spokesperson for the Queens District Attorney’s office was unable to provide any further information.
The spa, which offered a host of services—such as waxing, threading, nails and hair dressing– also offered massages body scrubs.
The spa advertised its massages and scrubs in various publications including backpage.
Many residents questioned what was taking place on site.
For instance, One Yelp reviewer wrote:
“They have so many things in one place. But to me it seems like people come here for massages…. Mostly men, a lot of the traffic comes in the evening especially after 8,9 pm. That just seemed so shady to me. There’s at least 7-10 women that just wait around for customers to come around.”

From Backpage
Nishu salon and Spa different owner and different people working
They already open a new place at 76th st. between 37th ave. & 37th rd. Name “Nishu salon & spa”. All of them are doing same shit. they don`t care. Now more safe & secure. Wow……
What you gonna hate on the lady boys now too? They gotta make a living too you know?
Close them all down. Roosevelt needs new buisnesses anyway. It’s a shit hole. Disgusting.
Christina you could get work here
I want talk to you
No leave it !!!!! It’s good for the hood !!!!
Roosevelt ave is still flooded with prostitution from the 70s- 90s and Iam sure further down..When i go to that big 99cent store on 77st at night..I hear those asian women screaming massage massage at men any time of day…also night near the dunkin donuts on 90st…its obvious..anyone screaming massage massage at 11pm and even later is giving more than a massage…also those guys with those chicas chicas cards…the cops are probably paying for the ” massages” why they seem to always over look it…jackson heights/ corona has always been known to have prostitutes since i was growing up in ozone park queens…isnt it time to get rid of it already???
I personally agree on your comment I believed that the police is overlooking this problems who is going to believed at that time is only massage and those guys standing in the corner saying chicas chicas is normal they should get rid off of this people
KC- if only that were true- https://www.equalitynow.org/issues/end-sex-trafficking
After pot, prostitution will be legalized. It’ll be great.
I’d rather see people have fun instead of legalizing abortion… How about MY body? 🙂
I hope the girls were working because they wanted to and not because of human trafficking.
Its all roosevelt ave, cops and coty pfficials know about this prostitution but lets be real, girls are being held agaisnt their will and you close one shop another one will open, period.
Not all are being held against their will…its what some consider easy money making for those who feel they cant do anything else
Too bad. Neighborhood institution
When will police grab the men standing on 79 st and Roosevelt all day and night ushering creeps into the 79th house?
80th street and Roosevelt has the same thing going on. The 80th street house is two houses after the new dermatology place.
why you gotta blow their spot up hahahahah
Because they’re disgusting. Probably like you’re self
Sharing is caring
Blow up their spot? Do you want your kids and family near this? I’m guessing that’s your go to spot b/c you go there too? Loser.
they never advertise if you walking with a kid or a woman, they stay quiet only if you do a solo stroll down there will they say anything
Wow. This is so true. I have noticed the same three Mexicans on the corner of 79st and Roosevelt in broad daylight saying something. Which I found out meant women. But when a police car rides by they vanish like magic. That only means there dealing in illegal activities.
Yes, they’ve been there for years. I’ve seen lady boys come out with men from alley way just a few feet from that corner.