(Photo: iStock)
April 2, 2019 By Meghan Sackman
A 39-year-old Jackson Heights man faces between one and four years in prison after allegedly orchestrating a con that involved taking $25,000 in fake deposits from over a dozen people looking to rent apartments in Queens, the Queens District Attorney announced today.
Ulises Reyes, of Warren Street in Jackson Heights, allegedly met with over a dozen people from October 2017 to February 2019, accepted deposits of amounts between $1,850 up to $2,300, and then never provided the “renters” with the ability to move into the apartments he showed them.
One incident, according to the charges, happened on Oct. 27, 2017 when Reyes allegedly met with a woman to show her a two-family house on 50th Avenue in Corona. The woman gave Reyes $2,300 in cash expecting to move in soon, but it never eventuated.
A second known incident linked to the defendant, which happened on or close to July 23, 2018, involved Reyes allegedly showing a man an apartment for rent on 105th Street in Corona, taking another $2,300 for a deposit.
Incidents such as these allegedly occurred 12 more times, with the defendant being accused of showing apartments on 105th Street, 50th Avenue and a third unit on 43rd Avenue in Corona and claiming to be authorized to rent the apartments.
At no point did the defendant allow any would-be renters to actually occupy the apartments they had placed deposits on.
Reyes, according to the DA, was arraigned on Friday, March 29 and was charged with fourth-degree grand larceny and first-degree scheme to defraud.
Bail was set for $40,000, by Queens Criminal Court Judge Toko Serita, and Reyes is scheduled to return to court on April 16, 2019 where he will be sentenced and faces two to four years in prison if convicted.
“The victims in this case did what any other perspective renters would have done – they called an advertised number, met with the defendant and toured an apartment,” said Chief Assistant District Attorney John M. Ryan.
“The defendant, however, was scheming from the moment he allegedly posted a for rent sign with his phone number listed. More than a dozen people were duped into handing over thousands of dollars in cash as a deposit for an apartment that was never rented. The defendant now faces prison time for this alleged scheme.”
I am glad they caught this fraudster. I don’t know why he is looking at 4 years and the guy who groped two little girls only got 2 years. I guess money really holds more value than people in this town.
The posting of ads are prohibited at any city posts (lights or no parking) nonetheless people continue to do it.
Reyes is a Spanish person last name but I doubt he is from Spain. Most of Spanish sounding names in the news for crimes are from the islands.
Many ignorant people dont know the difference between Spanish and Hispanic.
And even more “…ignorant people” simply refer to themselves as “latinos”.
So MS 13 and the crooks on Roosevelt are from the islands? You must be a criminologist or a sociology major. Wow why do you waste your expertise on this website when so many crimes go unsolved. Go out and help the city you love so much.
most of the fraud is done to Hispanic people. Authorities should enforce banning of posting rental ads at poles and posts over Roosevelt avenue and crossing street
If these people had any sense, they wouldn’t give away their money so easily. Being gullible and naive in this city doesn’t get you very far.
“white people never get scammed”
You’re gullible enough to actually believe this ??
I really wonder who’s allowing your ignorant and insulting comments to be posted.
I said nothing about white people. You come across as anti-white and pro-illegal alien. I’m sure you believe you’re an open minded person, which is the sad part.
My guess is you’re one of the writers or the webmaster of this site because your posts attacking other commenters are always published.
“there’s a giant conspiracy on the comments section of local news site”
You’re gullible enough to actually believe this ??
Dear “Woah, more ranting about immigrants from JH resident?!”:
Throwing down the race card? And trying to muddy the waters with your misleading use of “immigrants”. tsk, tsk
It’s not about race, it’s not about immigrants. The flack here is between citizens and lawful permanent residents on one side, and illegal aliens on the other.
This is the elephant in our Jackson Heights room. And no one is allowed to talk about it.
Now, it’s your turn to resort to simple name calling.
It’s not about race?
‘JH ‘be scared of immigrants’ resident” was specifically talking about Hispanic people.
Do you know what Hispanic means?