March 2, 2017 Staff Report
A Chinese restaurant in Jackson Heights has been temporarily closed by the Health Department for sanitation violations.
Sea Star Chinese Restaurant, located at 91-21 37th Avenue, was closed on Tuesday by the Health Department for accumulating 40 violation points during an inspection.
The Health Department website shows that the restaurant racked up points for both critical and non-critical violations.
The critical violations listed include holding cold food items above the maximum temperature of 41 degrees Fahrenheit, and finding live roaches in the facility.
The report also noted that the facility was not vermin-proof.
The Health Department gives out letter grades to restaurants based on a points system. Any restaurant that receives between zero and 13 points receives an A grade, any receiving between 14 and 27 points gets a B grade, and any with 28 or more points gets a C grade. Each point value is assigned based on the size and scale of the violation.
If any violations are especially bad, the restaurant can be shut down until it gets its score back under 28 violation points, at which point it can be inspected again and reopen.
All in all its a happy ending
Yes and the sweet n sour roaches were fantastic
Darlings, I ate there all the time. The latin-Chinese infused dishes such as “Ming fa las cucarachas” were sublime experiences.
Roaches everywhere in the store and in my food bag. Hope they closed it for ever not safe for health.
Nasty food never eating again their.