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Dec. 8, 2015 By Michael Florio
IS 145’s dual language program has been selected to serve as a model for schools around the city.
Schools Chancellor Carmen Farina selected IS 145, the Joseph Pultizer School, as part of the Citywide Model Dual Language Program. IS 145 was one of 15 schools to receive this recognition.
Farina selected IS 145’s International Academy, a Spanish and English dual language program, due to the level of staff dedication, parental involvement and student achievement, according to the Department of Education. The DOE will encourage schools interested in implementing a dual language program to learn from IS 145’s model.
The DOE’s goal is for all graduates to be granted the New York State Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation.
Along with this recognition the school will receive an additional $10,000 in funding, as well as the opportunity to participate in research-based professional development.
IS 145 began its dual language program 10-years ago at the middle school level, according to Principal Dolores Beckham.
“Ten years ago, the Joseph Pulitzer IS 145Q School embarked on the journey to provide choice, equity and excellence for parents and students in our school community, sustaining a Dual Language Program at the middle school level,” she said.
“Our program will continue to help prepare future leaders to be biliteral and bicultural,” she added.
Councilman Daniel Dromm, the Council’s Education Committee Chair, joined Farina and Beckham last week at IS 145, located at 33-34 80th St.
“Jackson Heights is one of the most culturally diverse places on the planet,” he said. “I am pleased that IS 145 is equipping our students with the language skills they need in order to succeed in school and after graduation.”
Dromm added that the funds the school receives will go towards further developing the existing model, as well as establishing new programs.