Via Jackson Diner Facebook
April 11, 2016 Staff Report
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a stop in Jackson Heights on Monday while campaigning before the New York primary next week.
Clinton joined U.S. Rep Joseph Crowley at the Jackson Diner, located at 37-47 74th St., ahead of the April 19th primary vote.
Clinton praised the diversity of both Jackson Heights and Queens as a whole, before speaking about her opponent in the Democratic primary, Bernie Sanders, and Republican candidate Donald Trump.
Clinton said that Sanders has struggled in her home state, according to the Daily News.
“Under the bright spotlight and scrutiny, here in New York, [Sanders] has had trouble answering questions,” Clinton said, the News reported.
She went on to call Trump’s behavior “dangerous” and “divisive.”
“Trump’s rhetoric, his divisiveness, his encouraging of aggressive behavior, even violence, is absolutely unacceptable and needs to be called out,” she reportedly said. “People around the world, as well as our country are hearing this, and they’re wondering, what’s happening in America?”
Clinton did not eat while at the diner, but left with two to-go bags, according to DNA Info.
Propaganda is powerful stuff. Many people are susceptible to it and can be swayed by it, especially the less educated.
In America today, the right-wing media network is engaged in this very same activity through Fox News and extremist talk radio. This network is constantly barraging its audience, day-in and day-out, over and over again, with a stream of consistent messaging. And this messaging is overwhelmingly negative and destructive.
The messaging consists of common themes that recur over and over in various forms. One central theme is a fierce opposition against government, especially so called “big government.” This reappears in various sub-forms as well, such as rage against bureaucracy, regulations, Washington, D.C., the IRS, the Environmental Protection Agency, and federal politicians…Notice how this imbecile Craic Dealer never once mentions the big multinational corporations who have hijacked the American Government and bought our politicians. Propaganda works and Craic Dealer is a great example.
Hitlery should be thrown in jail with the majority of DC politicians.
-craic dealer Yeah they should be charged with unleashing a band of easily manipulated dim wits on the public. In any other country on this planet a low infirmation inbecile like you who constantly speaks badly about his own country and gov’t would be thrown in jail.
USA is a corporate-facist-police-state. Republicans and Democrats are two different fractions of the same party. They all represent not only the corporation’s (GE Dupont, Raytheon etc) but the central banks and their agents (jpmorgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman etc). It’s the Military Industrial Complex. Republicans are just as worthless as the Democrats. The two party system is a complete fallacy. Corporations are not people. Govt is supposed to rep The People but they have sold out. …so #blamefoxnews, kindly eat shyte and sod off.
-Craic Dealer You are one low information gullible blowhard. Of course America is a corporate-facist police state. Who do you think settled the country? This place was settled and created by companies for companies to turn a profit. Note the names of the early groups who settled the place Massachusetts Bay Company, The Virginia Company, The Plymouth Joint Stock Company, London Company (also called the Charter of the Virginia Company of London), The United East Indian Company, referred to by the British as the Dutch East India Company. You really didn’t buy that religious freedom and refuge from tyranny, oppression and persecution nonsense did you? Money makes the world go around. Grow up..
^^^ lol