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Former Rep. Joe Crowley Moves on to D.C.-Based Lobbying Firm, Resigns as Queens Democratic Party Chair

Former Rep. Joe Crowley (via Twitter)

Feb. 19, 2019 By Nathaly Pesantez

Former Congressman Joe Crowley, who represented Queens and the Bronx for 10-terms until he was unseated last year by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has moved on to a new position at a Washington, D.C.-based law and lobbying firm.

Squire Patton Boggs, the international firm and one of the largest in the D.C. area, announced on Tuesday that Crowley would join the global public policy practice effective immediately. Former Rep. Bull Shuster (R-PA), who decided not to seek re-election for the post, was also hired by the firm.

Squire Patton Boggs described the former politicians as “two of the most sought after former members of the U.S. House of Representatives.”

“Joe Crowley and Bill Shuster have been leaders in their respective parties and are two of the most effective legislators of their generation,” said Senators Breaux and Lott, who co-chair Squire Patton Boggs’ public policy practice, in a statement. “The skills and experience Bill and Joe bring will be an asset for clients all over the world who are seeking to navigate the challenges of modern-day Washington. They are a blockbuster addition to our global, bipartisan public policy practice.”

“Policy is a fundamental part of our global practice and differentiates how we are able to solve complex problems for clients. These additions continue our tradition as a ‘first and one stop’ for senior executives seeking both a legal and legislative solution,” said Ed Newberry, global managing partner for the firm’s public policy branch.

The former NY-14 congressman was also a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Chair of the House Democratic Caucus.

“Serving in Congress was an honor of a lifetime and I look forward to working on many of the same issues in this new role,” Crowley said. “It’s exciting to be joining a firm with such a storied history, great people and to be doing so with a dear friend.”

The former congressman was among the most powerful Democrats in Congress, and was thought to be in line for House speaker before his stunning defeat to Ocasio-Cortez, the progressive newcomer, in a June primary.

Crowley, according to reports, has also stepped down from his position as chair of the Queens County Democratic Party, a role he held since 2006. He handed in his resignation letter on Tuesday, the same day he began working for the firm.

“It’s time to move on,” he told the Daily News. “It’s the right choice for my life.”

Crowley told the Wall Street Journal that he wanted to fully focus on his new role as a lobbyist. “It was time,” he said. “These jobs don’t go on forever, and I don’t think they should.

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Was this photo of Crowley take. 20 years ago , or airbrushesd? He barely showed up in our District , but he looks over 60? This is not him?

Jen B

Crowley is such a joke – proves AOC was right- he is in the pocket of special interests . If he was a authentic pol who was fighting for the people, he would never Lower himself and become and lobbyist . Cashing in, and selling out. He served himself and famil for 20 years – its all about money for Crowley – always has been.

J Farrel

Corrupt Joe Crowley – lived inVirgina , used his time in office to get himself and family rich – now a lobbyist – perfect job for a corrupt pol like him. He lost due to arrogance – and now he will make millions off us . What a joke


There is no question Crowley deserved to lose. Now he will be enjoying the good life in DC, while the district is stuck with socialist brat who is worse than Crowley. Hopefully there is a good candidate to challenge Alexandria “jobkiller” Ocasio in the next elections.


Take your b.s. to your real home. Just another low-life lobbyist. Please do not come back to your 2nd home! You deserved to lose. Lazy and always in Wash.


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