July 8, 2016 Staff Report
Thousands of people are expected to gather along Northern Boulevard Sunday to participate in an annual flower.
The Festival of Flowers Parade will run from along Northern Blvd from 69th Street to 88th Street, from 12 pm to 2 pm.
Last year’s parade attracted more than 15,000 attendees, according Luis Acosta, founder of the parade. He expects to top that number this year.
The parade will consist of three floats, numerous cars and dancers. There will be 33 flower ornaments, each arranged by a company or an organization with its logo on it.
“We are inviting everyone to come out and see this beautiful parade,” he said.
This will be the second year the parade is held on Northern Blvd. The parade, founded in 2010, had previously been held in Manhattan,
Been all over the world,nothing compares to this people carting their flowers on their backs with exquisite arrangements,hope the parade in NY it’s even halfway similar
How can businesses get involved?