Roosevelt Ave.
March 28, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
Police arrested eight men on Roosevelt Avenue last weekend for trying to solicit sex for money.
As part of an undercover sting operation, police busted the men for attempting to solicit sex from an undercover police officer at the corner of Roosevelt Avenue and 80th Street between 11 p.m. Friday and the early hours of Saturday morning, said an NYPD spokesperson.
The operation led to the arrest of eight men between the ages of 22 and 44 years old, who offered between $30 and $500 for various sexual acts.
The men arrested were Cruz Mora, 25, Guy Bandenay, 44, German Gonzalez, 29, Santos Perez, 36, Alvaro Sanchez, 39, Carlos Quituizaca, 28, Jonathan Bautista, 22, and Ismael Flores, 26.
State Senator Jose Peralta, whose district includes much of Roosevelt Avenue, launched an initiative last year to clean up the area. He plans to put together a Roosevelt Avenue task force to focus on crime in the area.
“Unfortunately, this vibrant avenue has become the New Times Square, and as there was political will to clean up Times Square, it is my hope that there is political will to clean up Roosevelt Avenue,” said Peralta said in a statement.
“This is one of the most cultural diverse thoroughfares in New York City, and as one of the gems of Queens, we should work to make sure New Yorkers and visitors are able to enjoy it without persistent crime.”
I’m not surprised. Roosevelt avenue had so many massage parlous in which they provide various sex activities. Something needs to be done in this area.
“For decades, few people noticed that legislators in Providence had deleted crucial language from Rhode Island state law in 1980. It wasn’t until a 2003 court case that police, to their chagrin, discovered they couldn’t prevent prostitutes and their customers from engaging in commercial exchange.
For the next six years until legislators corrected their error, the oldest profession was not a crime in Rhode Island — and public health and public safety substantially improved as a result, according to a new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research. The statewide incidence of gonorrhea among women declined by 39 percent, and the number of rapes reported to police in the state declined by 31 percent, according to the paper.” Washington Post
They should focus on getting rid of the damn MS13 gang like seriously you can’t walk around peacefully without them fuckers be like “oye qué pedo que barrio tiras” like bitch no I ain’t in no gang I have kids to look after I don’t want them to go visit me in jail or at a cemetery fuck out of here
Only 8 persons. What a big problem we have. I wonder why he don’t focus on creating more schools for our kids
More schools? And whos gona pay for it. Our tax money. Are any of these people even legal? O wait no. 75% arent esp in that neighborhood so lets take it easy. You cant just storm in this county and expect everything handed to you. Why you think our taxes are so high. Welfare scam. Billions. Sorry more schools is not the answer. Place is over crowded and dirty. Lot more needs to be done. Schools is the last thing.
Should of done this long time ago. Roosevelt has gotten worse. You got drugs, prostitution going on, there’s nothing but drunk men and perverts, that nasty ass food they sell. Cops don’t do shit, they don’t even get out there car’s . It’s horrible. You got these transvestite now prostitution, shit is crazy. They really need to clean it up and send these people back where they came from. It’s disgusting. Jackson Heights never was like this. Kids don’t need to see this.
This is great news hope they put all those people in jail like those gang members also all they do is rob working people. .
It’s always been like this in jackson heights now that property value is high it becomes an issue.lets be real it only bothers those new to the neighborhood.
I’m new and the prostitutes don’t necessarily bother me. What does bother me are those who engage in sex trafficking, the gangs who support it, and the hooligans who form gangs and start stabbing random people. If those things don’t bother you, then i don’t know what to tell you.
You want the place cleaned up, start with getting rid of DiBlasio.
That is simply not true. I am a sex worker in Jackson Heights. Mayor DeBlasio got me off the streets for nearly 15 minutes. A real hands-on problem solver. And he is a generous tipper.
He was my second NYC mayor. As for Rudy Guiliani, let’s just say that if you saw the 2016 GOP convention, you’ve seen his “O” face.
Peralta’s is at his all time low from his constituents, traitor to the Democrats.
Why did he not do this before??? Problem has been there for years. Why? So he can gain his popularity by conducting this cheap act just like Reps. would.
I agree with the idea of fining the prostitutes, arresting the pumps and if there is evidence of human trafficking then to prison they go. But the gang issue is terrible, the killings so sad and scary. That should be the main focus
Do the same thing around junction blvd.
I find it amazing that people have actually dislike my previous comment I find it amazing because it’s okay and your eyes for adolescence young men and young women to be killing each other but prostitutes must be arrested this is a profession that’s been around forever and apparently I can’t be stopped if you were resting from 80th Street they’ll just moved to another area probably around your house
Along with that the police should focus on the gang members that controlled Roosevelt Ave along with the entire jackson heights area I used to live a few blocks away on 82nd and Hampton St that was like 20 yrs ago
Clean up the Dunkin Donuts on 82nd Street, So many tranny prostitutes in and out of there early in the morning. I have complained to the the corporate office and they do nothing.
ah dumbass they have to eat too. and if they are paying customers they are customers nonetheless.
So let me get this straight you focus on arresting prostitutes who will come out either RoR or at least two three days later but you don’t focus on the gang violence it’s going on and young individuals killing other young individuals sounds like justice to me great job NYPD?
When the Irish were here this stuff never happened. Just saying!
Some of you want to throw them in jail for these petty offenses? I say fine them, that way you get some money INTO the system, as opposed to using our tax payer money to house, feed, and clothe them in prison. Not to mention feeding the prison complex problem with more of our own brown people.
Lived in the Heights all my life. This has been going on since it was drug infested in the 70’s – of 80’s. Now it’s pimps what next. If they are illegals and breaking the law by crapping in our neighborhood deport them all.
“gem of Queens”
About time!!! I just wrote a letter to Congressman Crowley about this situation. Perhaps I should forward this to you too! My block is riddled with this problem. There has to be community will to change this issue.
I see them every morning…police don’t do Nothing!!! They have taken over Ithaca st and 82st…so high the rent and ppl have to deal with this shitttt…. and the rest of criminal actions…we are tired of this situation. The police should clean the streets…
Lol. It’s been like this forever.
I grew up i jackson heights its actually wayyy better and used to be wayyyyyy worse back in the 90’s and early 2000’s im talkin about hundreds of tranny allover roosevelt ave and 37 and 35th aves from 69 all the way to 90th every alley was a filled with condoms shit was crazy its actuallya small problem now
I remember they used to have Whore houses for $25 in mid 90’s to parts of 2000 etc
Waste of time. They should focus more on all those robberies of the Patriots in the Social Clubs and restaurants. Huge waste of money focusing on prostitution.
Excellent. Lets put them all in jail.
One of the gems of queens? Are you sure?
I laughed way to much when i read that
It doesn’t say, was the undercover, male, female, transgender?
They should have done this along time ago. I was getting irritated with their “chicas chicas chicas ” shit. Like dude I don’t want your fucking nasty looking ass hoes. Fucking go get a fucking job. Bastard’s like this make us Hispanics look wrong
Calling women hoes makes YOU look bad. These women and girls are most likely trafficked or coerced. Educate yourself.
Bring back Fiddle n Bow
I dont believe it
Its been like this since 1980, big surprise
Tons of guys also passing “chicas chicas chicas” cards
offering prostitute services about time they started doing something about that! great job!
About time they do something about that corner.
Not shocked