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Developer to go before Landmarks Commission, plans five-story building

Historic District

Historic District

June 3, 2015 By Michael Florio

The owner of a building located in the Jackson Heights Historic District will be going before the Landmarks Preservation Commission later this month seeking the approval needed to construct four stories of residential apartments above a ground floor commercial space.

Charles Patel, the owner of a one-story commercial building located at 84-11 through 84-23 37th Ave, will present his plan before the LPC in order to proceed with the development.

However, the community board, which plays an advisory role, has already weighed in on the proposal several times in the past two years and has rejected it. Most recently, the board unanimously voted on April 17 against the plan which calls for an art-deco style building and a courtyard for residents.

Howard Weiss, Patel’s attorney, said that the proposal blends in with the Historic District and should be approved.

“The design and the height is consistent with existing development that surrounds the property,” Weiss said. “The building next door and the building toward the rear are higher than what we are proposing.”

“We believe the community board was in error and the LPC will see that the proposal is appropriate,” Weiss said.

The schedule for the LPC hearing is subject to change, but a spokeswoman with the LPC said the public hearing for this case will be either June 23rd or July 7th.

Originally the hearing was set for June 16th but Patel needed more time to put together his case, according to Weiss.

The hearing will take place on the 9th floor of 1 Centre Street in Manhattan.

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