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Cops make big gang bust, several Elmhurst residents nabbed

March 10, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan

A jury has indicted six gang members for allegedly plotting to kill members of a rival gang, and 14 other members of the same gang have been arrested or indicted for assault and drug dealing, announced Queens District Attorney Richard Brown yesterday.

All 20 arrests come on the heels of a long-term investigation in to the Always Bangin’ Kings (ABK) gang, which uncovered drug dealing, assault and conspiracy to commit murder.

According to the attempted murder indictment, defendants Francis Carias of East Elmhurst and Michael Aalil of Elmhurst coordinated the hit against two rival Latin King gang members, organizing the four other members indicted to get a vehicle and weapons, and set the hit location as a parking lot at 69th Street and 34th Avenue.

The four other defendants allegedly went to wait in the parking lot for their targets to walk out of a nearby bar, but because police had been eavesdropping on phone conversations as part of the larger investigation, they were at the location to arrest the defendants and prevent the murders from taking place.

Four of the defendants, including Carias and Aalil, face between 25 years and life in prison if convicted. The other two pleaded guilty to second-degree conspiracy, and were deemed youthful offenders and their records are sealed.

Over the course of the investigation, the NYPD also uncovered a large drug dealing operation, leading to 11 other ABK members being arrested.

Six of the members were arrested for attempting to sell drugs to undercover cops. During the buys, police allegedly seized marijuana, cocaine, ketamine and Xanax pills that were all mixed with fentanyl, a dangerous opioid.

The other five were arrested on various other drug charges.

All those arrested on drug charges face between two and 20 years in prison if convicted, depending on how severe the charges against them were.

“Drug dealers have no place in Queens County and my office will continue to aggressively pursue those who would make it their business to sell illegal narcotics and prescription drugs in our neighborhoods,” Brown said.

The investigation of ABK also led to the arrest of three alleged members that assaulted a man in a fast-food restaurant in Woodside last month.

According to the complaint, the three have been charged with gang assault, assault and criminal possession of a weapon, and could all face up to 25 years in prison if convicted.

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Have fun at rikers

Dont make excuses, we all travel down to the fork in the road, its up to the individual wether to take the right path. Alot of these guys choose the wrong path and should be held responsible for the choice they made. Stop with the excuses

Anonymous Response

Indeed James Chen. Instead of viewing these boys as awful savage beasts, perhaps could view them as boys who had no access to a community center growing up in their neighborhood, where they might have accessed soccer programs, swimming, or other activities.

James Chen

What wall is going to stop Americans from committing crime? No matter how much you try to deny it, they’re American regardless of where their parents come from. The underlying problem is why kids, teenagers are drawn into the gang life. Whether its money, perhaps they don’t understand the value of hard work or maybe it’s the lack of knowledge about their culture, or maybe it’s the lack of parental guidance due to both parents working or living in a single parent home. Programs like big brother, big sister could help provide a positive influence might even deter them from joining.


It’s about time the cops did something about these savage animals who terrorize this neighborhood. There are never any cops around Jackson Heights. No wonder these awful beasts have grown into large gangs.


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