Category: Uncategorized

Man Stabbed in Jackson Heights following Dispute

May 8, Jason Cohen

A 45-year-old man was stabbed in Jackson Heights Saturday after getting in to a dispute with three men, police said.

The incident was initially reported as a gang related stabbing and robbery, but according to police,…

Six Latin Kings Members Indicted for Attempted Murder

May 4, By Jason Cohen

Six members of the Latin Kings face up to 25 years in prison for trying to kill a man outside a bar in Jackson Heights last October.

Queens District Attorney Richard Brown announced today that six members of the Latin Kings gang were charged with the attempted murder and gang assault of a 24-year-old man.…

Knife-wielding man attempts to steal drugs from Corona pharmacy, police say

May 4, Staff Report

A knife-wielding man entered a Corona drug store on Wednesday, grabbed an employee and tried to get drugs, police said.

The suspect, brandishing a knife, entered Corona Heights Pharmacy, located at 106-07 Corona Avenue, grabbed a 64-year employee by his shirt and demanded prescription drugs to no avail. …

Elected Officials Want Lead Levels Examined at Elevated Subway Lines

May 3, By Jason Cohen

Paint chips containing dangerous levels of lead have been falling from some of the elevated 7 train lines and two state legislators are looking to pass legislation requiring that the elevated lines city wide be examined for health risks.…