Oct. 22, 2016 Staff Report
Casa Colombia, a long-time Colombian restaurant located at 86-23 Roosevelt Avenue, was closed Thursday by the Department of Health.
The restaurant was shut down after accumulating 41 violation points, with four violations listed as “critical,” including the presence of live roaches and flies on the premises as well as evidence of mice.
The Health Department gives out letter grades to restaurants based on a points system. Any restaurant that receives between zero and 13 points receives an A grade, any receiving between 14 and 27 points gets a B grade, and any with 28 or more points gets a C grade. Each point value is assigned based on the size and scale of the violation.
If any violations are especially bad, the restaurant can be shut down until it gets its score back under 28 violation points, at which point it can be inspected again and reopen.
Sanitary Violations
1) Cold food item held above 41º F (smoked fish and reduced oxygen packaged foods above 38 ºF) except during necessary preparation.
2) Evidence of mice or live mice present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas.
3) Live roaches present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas.
4) Filth flies or food/refuse/sewage-associated (FRSA) flies present in facility’s food and/or non-food areas. Filth flies include house flies, little house flies, blow flies, bottle flies and flesh flies. Food/refuse/sewage-associated flies include fruit flies, drain flies and Phorid flies.
5) Facility not vermin proof. Harborage or conditions conducive to attracting vermin to the premises and/or allowing vermin to exist.
You are the turkey at the Berkley ?
This has to be tthe post with the most comments on this site. All thanks to a Colombian immigrant who believes he is American. Hey Jose don’t change your name to Joe dumbass remember where u come from.
Schmo at the Berkley.
Whaaaa, he is baby
Agreed ,hes an idiot. The jerk at the berk. He doesn’t mind his business
Perry- dont pay him no mind he was chased from sunnyside post. Hes name is
And thats the only way you know anything at all is by wikipedia. Uneducated joe at the Berkley
Your dumb i was mimicking you . Your a big mouth ,uneducated clown
-Perry It’s “you’re” not “your”. Look it up stupid.
-perry Now in English ; Colombia (officially called Republic of Colombia), is a big country in South America. It is in the northwest part of that Continent and it has an area of 1.141.748 km² (440,839 sq mi). It is the only South American country with coasts on both oceans (Pacific and Atlantic). Colombia has an extension of 9m² in those oceans. Get an education imbecile.
-perry “stupido” This is from Wikipedia for you: Colombia, oficialmente República de Colombia, es un país situado en la región noroccidental de América del Sur. Está constituido en un estado unitario, social y democrático de derecho cuya forma de gobierno es presidencialista. Next time fact check before you post fool.
Practice what you preach go take that course dummy
Free loader hahahah stupido
Joe you cant spell that well either. You say you’ve been here so long and you still cant spell so whats your excuse. Go take your meds, you wrote- “me and mine crated” you must be Columbian,your new name is dummy at the berkley
-Daisy Talk about imbecile you can’t even spell “wasting”. hahahaha Ignorant and poorly educated people like you and Michelle are the ones convinced as a group that we should settle for substandard housing and commercial districts because we are incapable of doing better and meeting benchmarks and lifting ourselves to higher standards or we just don’t know any better.You also need to learn to read Michelle did not just provide an opinion; which is defined as:
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
She also speculated and insulted my post with profanity. That is low class. Anonymous thinks my post is about cuisine. You people obviously need to educate yourselves and stop crying racism when people point out some of our short comings as a community. That is a sign of an inferiority complex. Casa Colombia is a dump plain and simple. It’s just one of many dumps on Roosevelt that needs to be shuttered. Just accept it.
Finally someone who is not afaid to speak the truth!
Joe you talk about lack of standards but look at you waisting your valuable time responding back to people that just gave out there opinion on what you wrote.Hahaha Talk about an imbecile ha?….
-Michelle Joe is for Jose. I am Colombian you racist fool.
@michelle You leave I can assure you I have been here much longer than you and the “3rd world folk” you speak of. Funny, me and mine crated the neighborhood and conditions that made this place desirable to the “3rd world folk” you speak of to relocate to and escape the deplorable conditions of the places they left behind only to bring the seeds of those problems, in the form poor sanitary conditions and ignorance with them and start the entire cycle that turned the places they fled to into the very same slum they fled. You’re the racist who is turning a blind eye to a legitimate social problem because the people in violation look like “you and yours”. Jackson Heights, Woodside and Corona will all improve when landlords stop taking section 8 and low incoming housing. You can’t afford to live here keep going losers. Me and my family own multiple housing units in the area and never rented to such trash. Many friends and associates bought the con, and rented to low income losers did and regretted it. All have evicted these losers and vowed never to rent to anyone in these programs. Maybe you should be thanking me for helping maintain a stable safe neighborhood for free loading slob like you to live. You’re an ungrateful entitled free loading racist who lacks a vocabulary.
Most of these foreign dumps should be closed. They have brought their third world low standards with them instead of raising those standards to the higher American standards. Good riddance to a filthy dump and eyesore. They should also charge them with vandalism for that horrible paint job.
There is not one true American dish in the world. All foods in America are foreign @joeattheberkley. America has a little of every foreign country buddy. Stop with the racism, your not even American. Your ancestors are European immigrants.
-anonymous Go back and re-read my post imbecile. It is about foreign owned dumps and their low standards. Nothing about cuisine or dishes. Take a remedial reading class and raise your standards to that of at least a 3rd grader and take some pride in yourself. You’re a great example of the lack of standards I am pointing out in my post.
How about you leave the area. I’m sure all these 3rd world folks would appreciate that a racist like you isn’t part of our community. Asshole
This place is very dirty has been for years. THE Mexican women that sell food would pay to wash their stuff there.keep this place close for good. Ps.don’t buy food from tacos stand in 90st or82st very dirty.