Eddie Rodriguez, 42. (NYPD)
May 13, 2019 By Laura Hanrahan
A Brooklyn man has been placed under arrest after trying to lure two young girls into his car and fondling himself in front of them in two separate incidents in Corona and Flushing, the Queens District Attorney announced on Friday.
On April 4, just before 3 p.m., Eddie Rodriguez, a 42-year-old resident of Crown Heights, allegedly drove up to a 14-year-old girl who was walking near 156th Street and 43rd Avenue in Flushing. He allegedly asked to use the girl’s phone and when she approached the car to try to help him, he snatched the phone from her hands.
When she tried to get her phone back, Rodriguez allegedly began stroking his exposed penis and told her, in sum and substance, “when I finish.” He then allegedly continued touching himself and eventually returned the phone to the teenage girl.
One month later, on May 6, around 6:30 p.m., Rodriguez allegedly pulled up next to a 12-year-old girl walking along Van Cleef Street in Corona and began asking the girl for directions to a nearby hospital. The young girl alleges that Rodriguez told her that his phone did not work and asked to borrow hers.
She then handed over her phone at which point Rodriguez allegedly told her to get in the car, to which she refused. As the girl got her phone back, Rodriguez allegedly began manipulating his exposed penis in front of her.
Rodríguez was placed under arrest just three days later, after pictures of his vehicle, a grey Nissan, were circulated in the media.
“Every single person – especially children – should feel safe and secure walking alone in our neighborhoods,” said Acting Queens District Attorney John M. Ryan. “But the defendant in this case is alleged to have pursued the girls in his car, asked for directions all while fondling his exposed genitals. This kind of lewd and abhorrent behavior is unacceptable and caused the youngsters real fear. The defendant is in custody and faces jail time for his alleged deviant actions.”
Rodriguez has been charged with stalking, luring a child to commit a crime, acting in a manner injurious to a child, public lewdness and harassment. He faces up to a year in jail if convicted.
If anyone believes that this individual is connected to any other sex crime they are asked to call 212-267-RAPE (7273.)
I’d swipe right.
He should not be anywhere near a school or playground . And should be a registered sex predator.
Don’t understand why the downvote squad dislikes things that make sense.. like shaming a predator
They don’t like when latinos/hispanics are cast in a negative light…doesn’t fit their agenda.
This guy is probably a child molester or rapist
Good job
Disgusting, these are the sort of sex crimes Roy Moore was doing that won him Trump’s endorsement.
Dear “outraged”
Your faux outrage and disgust does not ring true. Maybe you have not read the article. Eddie Rodriguez was arrested for sexual assault of minors. Once again, your reaction is ‘what about him’ (Moore), a feeble defense.
Your comment is triggered by either another case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, or just a knee-jerk reaction to shelter a pedophile simply because he has an Hispanic name.
Trump knew this and endorsed him
More “Trump Derangement Syndrome”. Does this irrational hatred keep you awake at nights? Get some help, carrying this animus until 2025 will surely have a deleterious effect on your long term health.
It still sounds forced every time someone tries to use it.
Surely there’s some other phrase that Trump tweeted that you can blindly parrot?
Dear The “Trump Derangement Syndrome” meme never really took off:
I see no meme. I do see you attempting to drag Trump into an article about this pedophile Eddie Rodriguez is living in our city. TDS is a real thing, you for one suffer from this malady. Trump is so far in your head and up your butt that you “see” him everywhere. Do you check under your bed for Trumps before going to sleep? Take a deep, slow breath – there is nothing to be afraid of. Your boogeyman will be gone by 2025, be a little stronger.
Trump’s said lots of petty insults on Twitter, maybe try regurgitating one of those instead?