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Anti-gay fliers are being distributed in Jackson Heights


Aug. 31, 2015 By Michael Florio

Anti-gay fliers were distributed throughout sections of Jackson Heights over the weekend.

On Monday some could still be found on car windows along 82nd Street near the intersection of 34th Avenue.

The fliers, written in English and Spanish, quote Romans 1:18-32, which in part reads:

“Men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error… deserve to die.”

Councilman Daniel Dromm, a key figure in the LGBT movement, said it was disturbing that the fliers were being distributed.

“It is deplorable and disgusting,” he said. “It’s wrong and needs to be condemned.”

Dromm said he was surprised to learn that the fliers had been distributed in Jackson Heights, a diverse and inclusive neighborhood. However, he said that there are still some people living in the community who are anti LGBT.

“It is frightening when you first see stuff like this,” Dromm said. “However, I, and all gay people, have learned to live with this hatred.”

Dromm said it is important that residents speak out against these acts.

“We have to teach that love is a good thing,” he said. “We have to eradicate this hatred against gay people.”

He added that the use of religion against gay people has been a huge problem for centuries.

Reports about the fliers were first posted on Jackson Heights Life, a neighborhood forum.

One user, Superclam, wrote that the fliers were placed under every apartment door in his building. He wrote that he didn’t read past the first couple of sentences after realizing what it was.

Dromm received two complaints from constituents who were disturbed by the fliers. He forwarded the complaints to the Commanding Officer at the 115th Precinct, who told Dromm that officers would investigate the matter.

However, Dromm said legally he does not believe anything can be done. His understanding is the biggest punishment for those distributing the fliers is a littering ticket if they are caught in the act.

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Joe at the Berkley

RomansCH.14:10: “You have no right to criticize your brother or look down on him. Remember each of us will stand personally before the Judgment seat of God.” It’s funny these Pseudo Christians, pick and choose hypocrites, always miss this part of Romans.


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