70-65 Queens BlvdGoogle
March 5, 2018 By Tara Law
Plans have been filed with the Dept. of Buildings for a 10-story apartment building to go up on Queens Boulevard in Elmhurst.
The building, to be located at 70-65 Queens Blvd., would contain 71 apartment units, as well as commercial space on the first floor and a community facility on the second floor.
The plans include a 56-space parking garage to be located in the basement and on first floor.
The structure would be 105 feet tall and have 67,033 square feet of residential space, 6,220 square feet for commercial use and 8,463 square feet for the community facility.
A demolition permit for the existing one-story building has yet to be filed. A car wash and a restaurant equipment store are currently located at the site.
The property is 11 blocks from the Roosevelt Avenue- Jackson Heights (E/F/M/R) subway station.
do they give a discount at this car wash now? I should go before the demolition starts …
I like it . It’s like Greece but also like China
Much of Queens was rezoned for such development at the tail end of the Bloomberg era. It’s unfortunate that we have yet to match that with a build out of our transit network beyond reactivating the LIRR station at Elmhurst.
It will be a homeless shelter for sure.
Face of my neighborhood is changing. Small businesses being closed for apartment buildings and such. Out with the old and in with the new I suppose. 🙁
Build another hospital, or Fire station.
half of the apartments that are built over there are empty and have been for years a bet it will be another homeless shelter –
For goodness sake, if there are empty buildings while at the same time people who are forced to live on the streets during winter because they’ve had difficulties, then let’s offer them shelter. Are you thinking homeless=bad? That’s not true. Don’t be ignorant or cold-hearted.
Good thing there’s plenty of room on the E/F/M/R and 7 trains…oh wait…
All the residents that use their parking spot for 2 wheelers are going to be using the bike lane out front. They won’t need to worry about the overcrowded trains.