Category: Uncategorized

Three teenagers charged for breaking into Jackson Heights firehouse

August 2, By Hannah Wulkan

Three Queens teenagers have been charged with breaking in to a FDNY firehouse in Jackson Heights at about 2 a.m. on Monday morning, Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown announced today.

The defendants, identified as Christian Gaguancella,…

Free Movies playing at Jackson Height and East Elmhurst parks this month

August 2, By Michael Florio

Residents of Jackson Heights and East Elmhurst will be able to watch a free movie at their local park this August.

State Sen. Jose Peralta will host “Movies in the Park 2016,” with a film playing in each neighborhood this month.…

Controversial Plan to Enlarge Building within Historic District Goes Before Landmarks August 2

August 1, By Michael Florio

A controversial plan to enlarge a one-story building on 37th Avenue within the confines of the Jackson Heights Historic District is scheduled to go before the Landmarks Preservation Commission tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s hearing will be the second held concerning the proposal to build four stories of residential units on top of the current one-story commercial building at 84-11 through 84-23 37th Ave.…

Staircase at 82nd Street Station to be closed another month

July 29, By Michael Florio

Riders will have to keep on waiting for the closed staircase at the 82nd Street subway station to reopen.

The northeast steps at the 82nd Street- Jackson Heights subway station have been closed since March.…

Local group releases 7-Train ‘Survival Guide,’ Aims to help hapless riders

July 28, By Michael Florio

7 train riders now have a lot more information about their troubled train at their fingertips.

Access Queens, a transit advisory group, released its 7-train survival guide yesterday, which offers facts, figures and tidbits about each station along the line,…