(Photo: iStock)
Oct. 11, 2018 By Tara Law
A 38-year-old East Elmhurst man has been arrested and charged with groping two girls in North Corona and Corona over the last week.
Noe Angel Sorriano Cruz is awaiting arraignment on charges of first-degree sexual abuse, forcible touching, second-degree sexual abuse and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. He faces up to seven years in prison if convicted.
Cruz allegedly followed a 10-year-old girl into a bodega at 39-16 104th St. at around 3:30 p.m. on Oct. 3. He grabbed her vagina and took off, according to the Queens District Attorney’s office.
Then on Tuesday, Cruz allegedly followed a 13-year-old girl for several blocks down Junction Boulevard. He then grabbed the girl’s vagina from behind and hurried away.
Queens District Attorney Richard Brown issued a statement condemning Cruz’s actions.
“The defendant terrorized these innocent girls by following them first and then allegedly sexually assaulting them,” Brown said. “Let this be a constant warning to parents and all women— even pre-teens— to be mindful of their surroundings at all times. The defendant faces prison time if found guilty.”
So people are upset that pedophile Noe Angel Sorriano Cruz has been arrested for assaulting two innocent children? Does anyone think that this is the first time this demon has done this to a child? Does anyone think this would have been the last time this demon would have assaulted a child if he wasn’t arrested? This will affect these children for their entire lives! In another article posted on this site, a Ms Patel states that the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown is provoking “men” to act out violently. Because this behavior gives “men” their POWER back! Sure hope my tax dollars are not paying her salary. What is the excuse for Villavicencio (Pizza Man)’s behavior? After gaining sanctuary, legal aide,publicity and support from our politicians , he smacked around his wife and bounced her off walls when she asked for a divorce. Think this was the first time he bounced her around? How would all these excuse makers feel and behave if this happened to one of their children , or to one of their relatives? Don’t think they would be asking for sanctuary nor sympathy for these “men”. Sure hope people think about this when they go to vote next week. Remember which politicians, who salary we pay are protecting us and not these demons. Thank you New York’s Finest for trying to protect us.
These crimes are almost as bad as the ones allegedly committed by Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, who Trump endorsed after Moore was accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl and sexually assaulting another teenager.
Dear ‘Roy Moore’s been bored’ (?): Way to go! Why not deflect and use the old “oh yeah, what about him?” excuse; this is what children always say. Shifting blame for the ILLEGAL behavior of SORRIANO CRUZ. tsk tsk
Please explain why SORRIANO CRUZ should be allowed to walk the streets of our neighborhood. I’d like to hear your justification for this. Seriously, I need another laugh.
Let’s now praise law enforcement for taking SORRIANO CRUZ off the streets. This kind of illegal criminal behavior should have no “sanctuary”.
Too many “thumbs down”! It appears there are a few fans of perverted pedophiles here. Are you really upset that the police have caught this guy? What is clouding your judgement(s)?
Speaking as one of the outnumbered in Jackson Heights: I am grateful and happy whenever the our “Finest” cuff another of these ‘SORRIANO CRUZ’ types.