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Elmhurst: Man, 22, Dead in Apparent Gang Related Shooting

(Photo: iStock)

Nov. 20, 2017 By Tara Law

A 22-year old Woodhaven man was shot and killed in Elmhurst early Saturday in what appeared to be a gang-related incident, according to police.

The victim, Steve Perez, was fatally shot in the torso shortly before 12:45 a.m. in the vicinity of Elmhurst Avenue and Elbertson Street, police said. He was transported to Elmhurst General Hospital where he pronounced dead.

Perez was hanging out with two friends on a street corner when they were approached by three men, the Daily News reported.

One of the men said, “Are you ABK?” and pulled out a gun, according to the Daily News. He shot Perez in the back and stomach.

ABK is a notoriously violent gang based in Jackson Heights. The gang has been linked to various crimes in the past few years, including a string of stabbings in Travers Park. This March, the Queens DA indicted six members for a thwarted gang hit and eleven others for drug dealing.

The police do not have a record of Perez as a gang member, the Daily News reported.

The investigation is ongoing. No arrests have been made.

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To begin with he was not a thug. He was a close friend. Who so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was a very sweet, nice caring guy. He was getting his life together. Applied for colleges because he wanted a better future for himself. He was not involved with any kind of gangs. The media makes up stuff. Everyone knows that by now. So screw all those people who said one less thug to worry about. Or he deserved it. This and that. People saying those harsh stuff without even knowing him should be the ones that we shouldn’t worry about.. one less ignorant to worry about.

Brian Sampson

Steve was constantly getting arrested and also into gangs and he was a no good thug he would rob kids


To begin with he was not a thug. He was a close friend. Who so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He was a very sweet, nice caring guy. He was getting his life together. Applied for colleges because he wanted a better future for himself. He was not involved with any kind of gangs. The media makes up stuff. Everyone knows that by now. So screw all those people who said one less thug to worry about. Or he deserved it. This and that. People saying those harsh stuff without even knowing him should be the ones that we shouldn’t worry about.. one less ignorant to worry about.

Guess whooooo

IGNORANT lol people like you are exactly why this society is the way it is. You don’t anything about this kid and you base it all off on what you see in media. You’re blinded. I would expect people to know that media makes information up to get a story. You don’t know how it feels to lose someone so loved and so precious. I knew this boy and he was nothing like the media describes him. You’re so ignorant and disgusting.


People get it twisted, ABK members are certainly a gang, but they live in this area, it’s pretty obvious who were the ones to come and look for them, don’t let media be you #1 source, those who wrote this article do not even care about the kid enough to write his story correct, Rest In Peace

Get off my lawn

Nothing like a good old fashioned police beating to fix this. Too bad they got rid of stop and frisk. They had a murder plot foiled outside the bowling alley in Woodside.


lawn- Stop and frisk has not been gotten “rid of”. Less frequent does not mean gotten “rid of”. Thank you Fox News and the NY Post for another uninformed blowhard putting out misinformation. Just what the country needs.


So these punks are going to start this crap again? The 115th and 110th need to step up their game.


So these punks are going start this crap again? The 115th and 110th need to step up their game.


I really hope the proper department in charge of gang activity takes action with the gang ABK. They are a real threat to society. Growing up in Corona and Jackson Heights, I have seen and heard about them approching youngsters who are not in gangs to rob and beat them up. It doesnt all get to the news. Please take proper actions, no one has to fear walking through certain areas.


What business do these gang members have? Selling of gov’t labelled illegal substances. There are much more dangerous legal prescription drugs killing far more people. Legalise “drugs” so these blackmarket crimes stop.


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